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Unix Power Tools

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Index: P

:p operator: 30.11. Check Your History First with :p
^^ history substitution, using with: 30.5. My Favorite Is ^^
p (print) command, sed editor: 34.17. The Deliberate Scrivener
packages, Python: 42.3.4. Modules and Packages
packed file extension: 1.12. Filename Extensions
packets: 46.1.1. Internet Protocol (IP)
packing files (see archives compression)
page description languages: 45.14. Printing Languages — PostScript, PCL, DVI, PDF
consistency of: 45.14. Printing Languages — PostScript, PCL, DVI, PDF
page size for printing: 45.7. Formatting Plain Text: enscript
PAGER environment variable: 35.5. Predefined Environment Variables
pager programs, more, displaying sed output: 34.4.1. checksed
pagers: 12.3. "less" is More
-s option to squash extra blank lines: 12.7. Squash Extra Blank Lines
redirecting input/output to: 43.4. Problems Piping to a Pager
shell debugging output, piping to: 37.1.1. Use -xv
pagers, piping shell loop output to: 2.4. Searching Online Manual Pages
paircheck script: 16.8. Looking for Closure
paired item checking: 16.8. Looking for Closure
PalmOS, terminal emulators on: 5.2. The Idea of a Terminal Database
PAM (Pluggable Authentication Modules): 51.5. General and Authentication Problems
paragraphs, preserving with fmt: 21.2. Neatening Text with fmt
parameter expansion
command-line argument quoting, errors caused by: 37.5. Quoting and Command-Line Parameters
shortcuts: 37.5. Quoting and Command-Line Parameters
parameter substitution
: (colon) used in: 36.6. The Unappreciated Bourne Shell ":" Operator
: used in: 36.7. Parameter Substitution
examples of: 36.7. Parameter Substitution
parameters, command-line (see command-line arguments)
parent-child relationships, environment variables and: 35.4. Parent-Child Relationships
parent directory: 1.16. Making Pathnames
10.2. What's Really in a Directory?
creating: 7.8. Making Directories Made Easier
links to: 10.4.2. Links to a Directory
listing in cdpath variable: 31.5. Saving Time When You Change Directories: cdpath
parent process: 24.3. Managing Processes: Overall Concepts
PID for: 24.5. The ps Command
parent process ID (PPID): 24.19. Why You Can't Kill a Zombie
command-line: 27.7. Wildcards Inside Aliases
command-line arguments: 35.24. Standard Command-Line Parsing
35.25.2. Setting (and Parsing) Parameters
35.25.4. Watch Your Quoting
HTML, Python module for: 42.4. Python and the Web
42.7. htmllib and HTMLParser
strings using sed editor: 36.23.4. Using sed
strings with set command: 36.23.3. Using set and IFS
partitioning disks: 44.4. Disk Partitioning
passmass script: 28.18.2. Automating /bin/passwd
passwd command: 28.18.2. Automating /bin/passwd
passwd file: 1.17. File Access Permissions
root password, resetting: 49.3. Forgetting the root Password
users, adding entry for: 49.2. When Does a User Become a User
access by attackers: 48.5. What We Mean by DoS
for VNC server: 47.7.1. Connecting to a Windows VNC server
empty, SSH server not allowing: 51.5. General and Authentication Problems
groups: 50.2.2. Which Group is Which?
local resources shared with SMB network: 47.2. Installing and Configuring Samba
root, forgetting: 49.3. Forgetting the root Password
Samba, clear text vs. encrypted: 47.3. Securing Samba
for SMB server: 47.3. Securing Samba
system file: 1.7. Which Shell Am I Running?
paste program: 21.18. Pasting Things in Columns
pasting text
between vi's: 17.24. Using vi Abbreviations as Commands (Cut and Paste Between vi's)
from window systems into vi: 18.5. Keymaps for Pasting into a Window Running vi
in tty-type virtual consoles with the mouse: 23.12.2. Scrolling, Using a Mouse
pasting text in xterm windows: 5.13. Simple Copy and Paste in xterm
between windows: 5.21. Tips for Copy and Paste Between Windows
xclipboard, using: 5.19. Working with xclipboard
patch program: 20.1. Why Line Editors Aren't Dinosaurs
20.9. patch: Generalized Updating of Files That Differ
context diffs, use of: 11.3. Context diffs
PATH environment variable: 29.13.2. FPATH Search Path
35.5. Predefined Environment Variables
35.6. The PATH Environment Variable
command version, getting: 2.6. Which Version Am I Using?
finding commands: 35.3. What Environment Variables Are Good For
path shell variable and: 35.7. PATH and path
searching with #!: 36.4. Making #! Search the PATH
shell functions, searching for: 29.13.2. FPATH Search Path
path shell variable: 35.7. PATH and path
absolute: 1.9. Internal and External Commands
avoiding in archives: 39.3. GNU tar Sampler
tar utility, avoiding use with: 38.11. Avoid Absolute Paths with tar
editing: 4.6. Faster Prompt Setting with Built-ins
Emacs, PWD variable and: 19.9. Unset PWD Before Using Emacs
filenames stripped from: 36.13.1. Introduction to basename and dirname
files archived on tape drives: 38.6.1. Restoring a Few Files
GNU tar backups to remote tape drive: 38.8. Using GNU tar with a Remote Tape Drive
head of, returning with :h operator: 28.5. String Editing (Colon) Operators
links to: 10.8. Showing the Actual Filenames for Symbolic Links
login shell: 35.5. Predefined Environment Variables
matching with wildcard expressions in GNU tar: 38.10.2. With GNU tar
relative: 31.2. Using Relative and Absolute Pathnames
(see also relative pathnames)
absolute vs.: 31.2. Using Relative and Absolute Pathnames
script, testing for: 36.8. Save Disk Space and Programming: Multiple Names for a Program
in shell setup files: 3.7. Use Absolute Pathnames in Shell Setup Files
stripped from filenames: 36.13.1. Introduction to basename and dirname
symbols in: 35.20.1. With the "$@" Parameter
tail of, returning with :t operator: 28.5. String Editing (Colon) Operators
wildcards in: 33.1. File-Naming Wildcards
reasons not to use: 33.5. Maybe You Shouldn't Use Wildcards in Pathnames
changing in shell startup files: 27.6. Controlling Shell Command Searches
echo $PATH command, finding directory pathnames: 7.4. A bin Directory for Your Programs and Scripts
local, sharing with SMB network: 47.2. Installing and Configuring Samba
in Perl scripts: 41.5.1. Scalars
search paths, shells: 27.3.4. Shell Search Paths
27.6. Controlling Shell Command Searches
27.6. Controlling Shell Command Searches
(see also search path)
set path command, hung terminals and: 5.6. Checklist: Terminal Hangs When I Log In
tail of each path in dirs output for C shell prompt: 4.14. dirs in Your Prompt: Better Than $cwd
in URIs: 40.6.1. Configuring the sources.list File
pattern-expansion characters ({ }): 28.4. Build Strings with { }
pattern matching: 17.13. Moving Blocks of Text by Patterns
32.1. That's an Expression
32.1. That's an Expression
(see also regular expressions)
in case statements: 36.25. Testing Two Strings with One case Statement
compound searches with vi: 17.22. vi Compound Searches
global commands useful with: 17.14. Useful Global Commands (with Pattern Matches)
lowercase letters: 17.16. Capitalizing Every Word on a Line
quick reference: 32.21. Pattern Matching Quick Reference with Examples
replacement patterns: 32.21. Pattern Matching Quick Reference with Examples
search and replace commands: 32.21.2. Examples of Searching and Replacing
search patterns: 32.21. Pattern Matching Quick Reference with Examples
replacement patterns: 32.15. Extended Regular Expressions
search patterns in vi editor: 17.8. Using Search Patterns and Global Commands
global searches: 17.8.1. Global Searches
wildcards in case statements: 35.11. Pattern Matching in case Statements
pattern-matching operators ~ and !~: 20.10.7. Alphabetical Summary of Commands
pattern space (sed editor): 34.14. Hold Space: The Set-Aside Buffer
34.17. The Deliberate Scrivener
deleting contents with d command: 34.19. Multiline Delete
deleting portion of with D command: 34.19. Multiline Delete
edits across line boundaries: 34.16. Making Edits Across Line Boundaries
patterns: 32.1. That's an Expression
32.1. That's an Expression
(see also regular expressions; replacement patterns; search patterns)
aliases matching a wildcard-type pattern in zsh: 29.6. zsh Aliases
awk utility: 20.10.2. Patterns and Procedures
csplit program, for searches: 21.10. Splitting Files by Context: csplit
job control mechanism, use of: 23.3. Using jobs Effectively
matching in Expect program: 28.18. Expect
regular expressions vs. wildcards (file-matching patterns): 32.2. Don't Confuse Regular Expressions with Wildcards
replacement, valid regular expression metacharacters for: 32.20. Valid Metacharacters for Different Unix Programs
in sed: 34.17. The Deliberate Scrivener
pausing scripts: 25.1. Building Software Robots the Easy Way
pbm (portable bitmap) format: 45.19. The Portable Bitmap Package
pbmplus package: 45.19. The Portable Bitmap Package
PCL (Printer Command Language): 45.14. Printing Languages — PostScript, PCL, DVI, PDF
keyboard, CTRL and CAPS LOCK: 6.1. Defining Keys and Button Presses with xmodmap
partitioning PC BIOS disk: 44.4. Disk Partitioning
text files, removing carriage returns from: 21.11. Hacking on Characters with tr
Universal Serial Bus (USB), support of: 44.12. USB Configuration
PDF: 45.14. Printing Languages — PostScript, PCL, DVI, PDF
pdksh (public domain Korn shell): 1.6. There Are Many Shells
27.1. What the Shell Does
aliases: 29.5. Korn-Shell Aliases
command-line editing: 30.14.4. ksh Editing
FPATH environment variable for shell functions: Korn shell
history file: 30.13. Pass History to Another Shell
performance: 26.1. Timing Is Everything
displaying running commands: 26.3. What Commands Are Running and How Long Do They Take?
global and local problems: 26.1. Timing Is Everything
problems with, checking for security breaches: 48.6. Beware of Sluggish Performance
I/O statistics: 48.6.4. Other Checks
network connections: 48.6.3. Check Network Connections
processes: 48.6.1. Check Processes
swap space: 48.6.2. Checking Swap Space
virtual memory statistics: 48.6.4. Other Checks
process scheduling at lower priority with nice: 26.5. Know When to Be "nice" to Other Users...and When Not To
system load, checking with uptime: 26.4. Checking System Load: uptime
timing processes: 26.1. Timing Is Everything
timing programs: 26.2. Timing Programs
period (.) , under Symbols) (see . (dot)
PERIOD shell variable: 4.16. Preprompt, Pre-execution, and Periodic Commands
periodic commands: 4.16. Preprompt, Pre-execution, and Periodic Commands
periodic execution of programs: 25.2. Periodic Program Execution: The cron Facility
crontab entries, adding: 25.3. Adding crontab Entries
shortcuts to creating: 25.2.2. A Little Help, etc.
standard input, including in cron entry: 25.4. Including Standard Input Within a cron Entry
Perl: 41.1. High-Octane Shell Scripting
branching and looping: 41.6. Perl Boot Camp, Part 3: Branching and Looping
bug reports, filing: 41.2. Checking your Perl Installation
commenting RCS files: 39.5. RCS Basics
compiling: 41.3. Compiling Perl from Scratch
configuration information: 41.2. Checking your Perl Installation
configuring, Configure shell script: 41.3. Compiling Perl from Scratch
CPAN, library modules on: 22.8. Sorting a List of People by Last Name
data types: 41.5. Perl Boot Camp, Part 2: Variables and Data Types
documentation, Plain Old Documentation (POD) system: 41.4. Perl Boot Camp, Part 1: Typical Script Anatomy
documentation (perldoc system): 41.1. High-Octane Shell Scripting
fields, cutting: 21.14. Cutting Columns or Fields
File::Find module: 8.16. oldlinks: Find Unconnected Symbolic Links
grep, simulating actions of: 13.1. Different Versions of grep
installation, checking: 41.2. Checking your Perl Installation
interpreter (perl): 41.2. Checking your Perl Installation
line-by-line and search using: 13.10. Compound Searches
modules, using in scripts: 41.4. Perl Boot Camp, Part 1: Typical Script Anatomy
offset script: 21.7. offset: Indent Text
pattern matching (see regular expressions)
programming in Emacs, editing modes for: 19.2. Emacs Features: A Laundry List
Python vs.: 42.10. What About Perl?
regular expression syntax for ranges: 32.9. Regular Expressions: Exceptions in a Character Set
regular expressions: 41.7. Perl Boot Camp, Part 4: Pattern Matching
documentation for: 32.21. Pattern Matching Quick Reference with Examples
scripts, anatomy of typical: 41.4. Perl Boot Camp, Part 1: Typical Script Anatomy
sl script: 10.8. Showing the Actual Filenames for Symbolic Links
sorting lines by length: 22.7. lensort: Sort Lines by Length
sorting names by surname, script for: 22.8. Sorting a List of People by Last Name
Text::Autoformat module: 21.3. Alternatives to fmt
Unix-like operators: 41.8. Perl Boot Camp, Part 5: Perl Knows Unix
unlink( ) system call, using: 14.14. Using unlink to Remove a File with a Strange Name
variables: 41.4. Perl Boot Camp, Part 1: Typical Script Anatomy
41.5. Perl Boot Camp, Part 2: Variables and Data Types
arrays: 41.5.2. Arrays
hash: 41.5.3. Hashes
scalar: 41.5.1. Scalars
versions: 41.2. Checking your Perl Installation
41.3. Compiling Perl from Scratch
perl interpreter: 41.2. Checking your Perl Installation
-perm operator (find command): 9.15. Searching for Files by Permission
permissions: 50.2. Tutorial on File and Directory Permissions
changes, handling with aliases: 50.7. Protect Important Files: Make Them Unwritable
changing with chmod: 50.5. Using chmod to Change File Permission
= operator: 50.6. The Handy chmod = Operator
for executable files: 35.1. Writing a Simple Shell Program
execute permission
without read permission: 50.10. A Directory That People Can Access but Can't List
files managed by team of people: 50.2.1. User, Group, and World
finding files by: 9.15. Searching for Files by Permission
fully accessible directory within unreadable directory: 50.10. A Directory That People Can Access but Can't List
group, in directory with setgid bit: 49.5. Group Permissions in a Directory with the setgid Bit
group-write: 50.2.2. Which Group is Which?
searching for and removing: 9.9. Running Commands on What You Find
groups that deny: 49.7. Add Users to a Group to Deny Permissions
50.2.1. User, Group, and World
information neither personal nor modifiable: 50.2.1. User, Group, and World
lockfiles: 36.27. Shell Lockfile
managing: 50.11. Juggling Permissions
modifying files without write access: 50.9. A Loophole: Modifying Files Without Write Access
octal number, writing as: 50.2.1. User, Group, and World
personal information: 50.2.1. User, Group, and World
read-only: 50.7. Protect Important Files: Make Them Unwritable
remote directory backups and: 38.7. Using tar to a Remote Tape Drive
security and: 48.2. CERT Security Checklists
set incorrectly: 27.1. What the Shell Does
shell scripts: 50.13. Shell Scripts Must Be Readable and (Usually) Executable
sticky bit: 50.4. Protecting Files with the Sticky Bit
umask command: 31.13. Automatic Setup When You Enter/Exit a Directory
50.2.1. User, Group, and World
personal directories: 7.5. Private (Personal) Directories
personal word list, ispell program: 16.5. Adding Words to ispell's Dictionary
pg program, piping to: 43.4. Problems Piping to a Pager
pgm (graymap) format: 45.19. The Portable Bitmap Package
pick script: 24.16.2. zap
PID (see process ID)
pid (process ID), killing jobs by: 23.1. Job Control in a Nutshell
pid (process IDs): 23.2.2. Using Job Control from Your Shell
Pike, Rob: 24.16.2. zap
ping program: 46.4. Where, Oh Where Did That Packet Go?
exit status of: 35.12. Exit Status of Unix Processes
starting with cat command: 43.2. One Argument with a cat Isn't Enough
pipes: 1.5. Programs Are Designed to Work Together
buffering output: 43.8. Send Output Two or More Places
commands joined with: 35.1. Writing a Simple Shell Program
copying directory trees: 10.13. Copying Directory Trees with tar and Pipes
10.13. Copying Directory Trees with tar and Pipes
find output to xargs ls -l: 9.13. Searching for Files by Type
locate command output to xargs: 9.18. Using "Fast find" Databases
ls command output: 8.4. List All Subdirectories with ls -R
ps command in: 24.5. The ps Command
redirecting input/output: 43.1. Using Standard Input and Output
43.1. Using Standard Input and Output
|& operator: 43.5. Redirection in C Shell: Capture Errors, Too?
named pipes (FIFOs): 43.11. Named Pipes: FIFOs
to pagers: 43.4. Problems Piping to a Pager
tpipe command: 43.10. Redirecting Output to More Than One Place
redirecting standard error (but not standard output): 43.3. Send (Only) Standard Error Down a Pipe
pixmaps: 45.19. The Portable Bitmap Package
pkg_add utility: 40.10. Installing with FreeBSD Packages
Plan 9 operating system: 1.6. There Are Many Shells
1.6. There Are Many Shells
Pluggable Authentication Modules (PAM): 51.5. General and Authentication Problems
plus sign (see +, under Symbols)
pnm graphic format: 45.19. The Portable Bitmap Package
Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP)
configuring connection for gatewaying: 46.13. Gatewaying from a Personal LAN over a Modem
setting up dialup session: 44.11. Setting Up a Dialup PPP Session
to other files or directories (see symbolic links)
PTR record for IP address: 46.3. Status and Troubleshooting
for screen navigation: 5.9. Working with xterm and Friends
pop operator (Perl): 41.5.2. Arrays
popd command: 4.8. Session Info in Window Title or Status Line
4.14. dirs in Your Prompt: Better Than $cwd
31.7. The Shells' pushd and popd Commands
clearing directory stack with: 31.7. The Shells' pushd and popd Commands
portable bitmap format: 45.19. The Portable Bitmap Package
Portable Bitmap Package: 45.19. The Portable Bitmap Package
portable graymap format: 45.19. The Portable Bitmap Package
portable pixmap formats: 45.19. The Portable Bitmap Package
firewalls and: 46.12. Firewalls
HTTP requests: 46.11. Gateways and NAT
IP addresses and: 46.1.2. Layer 4 Protocols: TCP, UDP, and ICMP
numbers for: 46.1.2. Layer 4 Protocols: TCP, UDP, and ICMP
port forwarding, problems with: 51.7. Server and Client Problems
SMTP requests: 46.11. Gateways and NAT
terminal, listing of types: 3.15. Terminal Setup: Searching Terminal Table
testing port (tty) numbers for terminal setup: 3.13. Terminal Setup: Testing Port
well-known, database in /etc/services: 46.2. /etc/services Is Your Friend
POSIX (Portable Operating System Interface): 1.3. The Core of Unix
Post Office Protocol (POP or POP3): 46.8. Mail — SMTP, POP, and IMAP
postfix program: 46.8. Mail — SMTP, POP, and IMAP
converting text files to: 45.15. Converting Text Files into a Printing Language
page description language: 45.14. Printing Languages — PostScript, PCL, DVI, PDF
source file extension (.ps): 1.12. Filename Extensions
text files, converting to: 45.7. Formatting Plain Text: enscript
ppm (pixmap) format: 45.19. The Portable Bitmap Package
pr command: 21.15. Making Text in Columns with pr
45.6. Formatting Plain Text: pr
-l option (page length): 21.15.3. Order Lines Across Columns: -l
-m option (one file per column): 21.15.1. One File per Column: -m
-number option for columns: 21.15.2. One File, Several Columns: -number
sX option (setting column separator to x): 21.15.1. One File per Column: -m
t and n options: 12.13. Numbering Lines
Ðh (heading) option: 21.15.1. One File per Column: -m
precedence of operators: 32.3. Understanding Expressions
Boolean operators in Perl: 41.5.1. Scalars
predefined environment variables: 35.5. Predefined Environment Variables
preprompt commands: 4.16. Preprompt, Pre-execution, and Periodic Commands
setting: 4.16. Preprompt, Pre-execution, and Periodic Commands
previous job: 23.3. Using jobs Effectively
primary groups: 49.6. Groups and Group Ownership
primary partitions: 44.4. Disk Partitioning
print command (awk): 20.10.7. Alphabetical Summary of Commands
print function: 41.5.1. Scalars
printcap file: 45.8. Printing Over a Network
apsfilter, installing: 45.17. Converting Source Files Automagically Within the Spooler
printenv command: 24.9.4. Statistics of Processes by PID
35.3. What Environment Variables Are Good For
35.9. Shell Variables
checking for environment changes at different systems: 3.14. Terminal Setup: Testing Environment Variables
Printer Command Language (PCL): 45.14. Printing Languages — PostScript, PCL, DVI, PDF
PRINTER environment variable: 35.5. Predefined Environment Variables
printer queue, watching for errors (watchq script): 24.13. Printer Queue Watcher: A Restartable Daemon Shell Script
PRINT_EXIT_VALUE option (zsh): 35.12. Exit Status of Unix Processes
printexitvalue shell variable (tcsh): 35.12. Exit Status of Unix Processes
printf command (awk): 20.10.7. Alphabetical Summary of Commands
21.8. Centering Lines in a File
printing: 45.1. Introduction to Printing
commands without executing them (:p operator): 28.5. String Editing (Colon) Operators
30.11. Check Your History First with :p
Common Unix Printing System (CUPS): 45.18. The Common Unix Printing System (CUPS)
files, shortcut for: 28.4. Build Strings with { }
formatting plain text with enscript: 45.7. Formatting Plain Text: enscript
formatting plain text with pr: 45.6. Formatting Plain Text: pr
languages for: 45.14. Printing Languages — PostScript, PCL, DVI, PDF
converting text files into: 45.15. Converting Text Files into a Printing Language
converting typeset files into: 45.16. Converting Typeset Files into a Printing Language
lp-style commands: 45.2.2. lp-Style Printing Commands
lpc commands: 45.3. Printer Control with lpc
lpr-style commands: 45.2.1. lpr-Style Printing Commands
markup languages, formatting with: 45.13. Formatting Markup Languages — troff, LATEX, HTML, and So On
network: 45.8. Printing Over a Network
Portable Bitmap Package: 45.19. The Portable Bitmap Package
printers, configuring to share with SMB network: 47.4. SWAT and GUI SMB Browsers
over Samba: 45.9. Printing Over Samba
47.5. Printing with Samba
from Unix to Windows printer: 45.9.2. Printing to Windows Printers from Unix
to Unix printers: 45.9.1. Printing to Unix Printers from Windows
spooling system
converting source files: 45.17. Converting Source Files Automagically Within the Spooler
lp and lpr: 45.1. Introduction to Printing
spooling system for: 45.1. Introduction to Printing
symbolic links, using: 45.5. Using Symbolic Links for Spooling
typesetting: 45.10. Introduction to Typesetting
manpages with nroff commands: 45.12. Typesetting Manpages: nroff
Unix hitory of: 45.11. A Bit of Unix Typesetting History
using different printers: 45.4. Using Different Printers
priocntl command: 26.5. Know When to Be "nice" to Other Users...and When Not To
priority of processes: 26.5. Know When to Be "nice" to Other Users...and When Not To
changing with renice command: 26.7. Changing a Running Job's Niceness
Unix definition of: 26.5. Know When to Be "nice" to Other Users...and When Not To
priority ordering for processes: 23.4. Some Gotchas with Job Control
stopped jobs and: 23.7. System Overloaded? Try Stopping Some Jobs
private addresses: 46.11. Gateways and NAT
private directories: 7.5. Private (Personal) Directories
private keys (see public-key cryptography)
/proc filesystem: 24.9. The /proc Filesystem
hardware: 24.9.5. A Glimpse at Hardware
memory information: 24.9.1. Memory Information
security checks using: 48.9. The Linux proc Filesystem
/stat file (statistics on the kernel and system): 24.9.2. Kernel and System Statistics
statistics by PID: 24.9.4. Statistics of Processes by PID
statistics on current process: 24.9.3. Statistics of the Current Process
procedural programming languages, functions in: 42.3.2. Functions
procedures (awk utility): Procedures
process groups: 24.3. Managing Processes: Overall Concepts
priority of processes in, modifying: 26.7. Changing a Running Job's Niceness
signals sent from keyboard: 24.11. Killing Foreground Jobs
process ID (PID): 4.15. External Commands Send Signals to Set Variables
24.3. Managing Processes: Overall Concepts
24.19. Why You Can't Kill a Zombie
-1: 24.14. Killing All Your Processes
kill command, feeding to: 24.12. Destroying Processes with kill
statistics of process by: 24.9.4. Statistics of Processes by PID
unique filenames, use in: 8.17. Picking a Unique Filename Automatically
zmore script (example): 35.17. Trapping Exits Caused by Interrupts
process substitution: 28.1. What's Special About the Unix Command Line
in nom script example: 33.8. nom: List Files That Don't Match a Wildcard
tee command, using with: 43.10. Redirecting Output to More Than One Place
background (see background processes)
background and foreground: 23.1. Job Control in a Nutshell
chain leading to your window: 24.20. The Process Chain to Your Window
checking for security breaches: 48.6.1. Check Processes
cleaning up unkillable: 24.18. Cleaning Up an Unkillable Process
closing a window by killing its processes: 24.22. Close a Window by Killing Its Process(es)
shell script, using: 24.22.3. Closing a Window from a Shell Script
web browser (example): 24.22.2. Example #2: A Web Browser
xterm window (example): 24.22.1. Example #1: An xterm Window
commands printed in parentheses by ps: 24.8. Why ps Prints Some Commands in Parentheses
controlling process: 24.3. Managing Processes: Overall Concepts
controlling terminal: 24.6. The Controlling Terminal
creating new with fork and exec calls: 24.2. fork and exec
defined: 23.2.1. How Job Control Works
destroying with kill command: 24.12. Destroying Processes with kill
disowning: 23.11. Disowning Processes
exit status of: 35.12. Exit Status of Unix Processes
exit status returned by: 24.3. Managing Processes: Overall Concepts
foreground (see foreground processes)
interactively killing those matching a pattern: 24.16. Kill Processes Interactively
killing all: 24.14. Killing All Your Processes
killing by name: 24.15. Killing Processes by Name?
killing interactively, zap script, using: 24.16.2. zap
listing with ps command: 1.10. The Kernel and Daemons
24.5. The ps Command
managing, overview of: 24.3. Managing Processes: Overall Concepts
open files for reading from/writing to: 36.15. Overview: Open Files and File Descriptors
parent-child relationships: 35.4. Parent-Child Relationships
priority, lowering with nice command: 26.5. Know When to Be "nice" to Other Users...and When Not To
/proc filesystem: 24.9. The /proc Filesystem
hardware information: 24.9.5. A Glimpse at Hardware
statistics by PID: 24.9.4. Statistics of Processes by PID
queue by priority: 23.4. Some Gotchas with Job Control
restarting daemon shell script with kill command: 24.13. Printer Queue Watcher: A Restartable Daemon Shell Script
scheduling: 25.1. Building Software Robots the Easy Way
at command, running once with: 25.1. Building Software Robots the Easy Way
regular, periodic execution with cron: 25.1. Building Software Robots the Easy Way
signals and: 24.10. What Are Signals?
actions in response to signals: 24.10. What Are Signals?
kill-9 command, sending KILL and STOP signals: 24.10. What Are Signals?
spawning: 24.2. fork and exec
stopped vs. terminated: 23.3. Using jobs Effectively
stopping: 24.17. Processes Out of Control? Just STOP Them
terminal windows without shells: 24.21. Terminal Windows Without Shells
timing: 26.1. Timing Is Everything
tracking down with ps command: 24.7. Tracking Down Processes
-a option, on BSD systems: 24.7.2. BSD
-a option, on System V: 24.7.1. System V
-ax option on BSD: 24.7.2. BSD
-e option, on System V: 24.7.2. BSD
runaway processes: 24.7.2. BSD
Unix handling of: 23.2.1. How Job Control Works
unrelated, communicating through FIFOs: 43.11. Named Pipes: FIFOs
.profile file: 3.3. Shell Setup Files — Which, Where, and Why
bash shell: 3.3. Shell Setup Files — Which, Where, and Why
Bourne shells, testing TERM variable with case statement: 3.11. Terminal Setup: Testing TERM
CDPATH variable in: 31.5. Saving Time When You Change Directories: cdpath
hung terminal and: 5.6. Checklist: Terminal Hangs When I Log In
Korn shells: 3.3. Shell Setup Files — Which, Where, and Why
login shells: 3.4.1. Login Shells
stty commands in: 5.8. Setting Your Erase, Kill, and Interrupt Characters
terminal type, setting with qterm: 5.4. Querying Your Terminal Type: qterm
profiler (GNU gprof): 26.1. Timing Is Everything
programming, Unix (see shell scripts also shell scripts)
(see also shell scripts)
programming languages
Emacs as IDE for: 19.2. Emacs Features: A Laundry List
functions in: 42.3.2. Functions
loosely typed: 41.5. Perl Boot Camp, Part 2: Variables and Data Types
Tcl: 28.18. Expect
programming, shell (see shell scripts)
programming, Unix: 1.2. Power Grows on You
aborting: 5.6.5. Aborting Programs
bin directory for: 7.4. A bin Directory for Your Programs and Scripts
environment, modifying: 35.29. Reading Files with the . and source Commands
file deletion: 14.5. Answer "Yes" or "No" Forever with yes
filename wildcards, passing to without shell interpretation: 33.3. Who Handles Wildcards?
filters: 1.5. Programs Are Designed to Work Together
links to: 36.8. Save Disk Space and Programming: Multiple Names for a Program
names of
giving multiple names with links: 35.28. Finding a Program Name and Giving Your Program Multiple Names
in error messages: 35.28. Finding a Program Name and Giving Your Program Multiple Names
periodic execution with cron: 25.2. Periodic Program Execution: The cron Facility
crontab entries, adding: 25.3. Adding crontab Entries
shortcuts to creating: 25.2.2. A Little Help, etc.
standard input, including in cron entry: 25.4. Including Standard Input Within a cron Entry
redirecting input and output of: 36.15. Overview: Open Files and File Descriptors
shells running: 27.3.1. How Shells Run Other Programs
timing: 26.2. Timing Programs
Unix: 1.4. Communication with Unix
1.6. There Are Many Shells
(see also shells)
as tools: 1.5. Programs Are Designed to Work Together
waiting for input: 5.6.3. Program Waiting for Input?
prompt shell variable: 3.4.2. Interactive Shells
4.1. Basics of Setting the Prompt
if (! $?prompt) exit test: 3.9. Gotchas in set prompt Test
setting to see aliases hidden in the ($?prompt) test: 3.9. Gotchas in set prompt Test
PROMPT_COMMAND (bash shell variable): 4.16. Preprompt, Pre-execution, and Periodic Commands
promptpid variable: 4.15. External Commands Send Signals to Set Variables
prompts: 4.1. Basics of Setting the Prompt
27.3.1. How Shells Run Other Programs
$ (dollar sign), in Bourne shell prompts: 27.3.5. Bourne Shell Used Here
blank: 4.13. What Good Is a Blank Shell Prompt?
Bourne-type shells, primary: 35.5. Predefined Environment Variables
C-shell, stray prompt problems: 4.5. C-Shell Prompt Causes Problems in vi, rsh, etc.
characters displayed in different sehlls: 1.7. Which Shell Am I Running?
current directory in, using dirs command output: 4.14. dirs in Your Prompt: Better Than $cwd
dynamic: 4.3. Dynamic Prompts
simulating: 4.4. Simulating Dynamic Prompts
external commands sending signals to set variables: 4.15. External Commands Send Signals to Set Variables
faster setting with built-ins: 4.6. Faster Prompt Setting with Built-ins
highlighting and color in: 4.10. Highlighting and Color in Shell Prompts
history number in: 30.2. History in a Nutshell
30.7. History by Number
menu prompt for naive users: 4.9. A "Menu Prompt" for Naive Users
modified, script program and: 37.8. Cleaning script Files
multiline: 4.7. Multiline Shell Prompts
preprompt commands, setting: 4.16. Preprompt, Pre-execution, and Periodic Commands
preprompt, preexecution and periodic commands: 4.16. Preprompt, Pre-execution, and Periodic Commands
PS1, PS2 variables: 35.5. Predefined Environment Variables
right-side: 4.11. Right-Side Prompts
? as: 28.9.1. A foreach Loop
Bourne shell quoting and: 27.12.4. Multiline Quoting
> as: 28.9.2. A for Loop
multiline commands and: 28.12. Multiline Commands, Secondary Prompts
session info in window title or status line: 4.8. Session Info in Window Title or Status Line
static: 4.2. Static Prompts
subshell level, showing: 4.12. Show Subshell Level with $SHLVL
typing commands at: 24.3. Managing Processes: Overall Concepts
propagating shell functions: 29.13. Propagating Shell Functions
exporting bash functions: 29.13.1. Exporting bash Functions
FPATH search path: 29.13.2. FPATH Search Path
Korn shell: Korn shell
zsh shell: zsh
protocols: 40.6.1. Configuring the sources.list File
(see also individual protocol names)
curl application, support of: 40.8. The curl Application and One-Step GNU-Darwin Auto-Installer for OS X
URI types: 40.6.1. Configuring the sources.list File
wget utility, support of: 40.7. Interruptable gets with wget
prune operator (find command): 14.15. Removing a Strange File by its i-number
-print operator (find command): 9.24. Finding the (Hard) Links to a File
-name operator, using with: 9.12. Finding Many Things with One Command
-prune operator (file command)
quick finds in current directory: 9.26. Quick finds in the Current Directory
-prune operator (find command): 9.25. Finding Files with -prune
preventing networked filesystem searches: 9.28. Keeping find from Searching Networked Filesystem
ps command: 24.5. The ps Command
24.7. Tracking Down Processes
-a (all) option
BSD-derived systems: 24.7.2. BSD
System V: 24.7. Tracking Down Processes
-ag options, displaying all processes on system: 24.16.2. zap
-ax option: 24.7.2. BSD
-ef options (System V): 24.5. The ps Command
-el options: 1.10. The Kernel and Daemons
AIX version of: 24.5. The ps Command
aux options (Berkeley style): 24.5. The ps Command
aux or -ef options, listing chain of processes: 24.20. The Process Chain to Your Window
checking current processes for security breaches: 48.6.1. Check Processes
checking for application running on remote display: 6.10.2. Starting a Remote Client with rsh and ssh
commands printed in parentheses: 24.8. Why ps Prints Some Commands in Parentheses
displaying programs: 5.6.5. Aborting Programs
e (everything) option: 24.7.2. BSD
grep, using with: 13.2. Searching for Text with grep
listing of command output fields: 24.5. The ps Command
in pipes: 24.5. The ps Command
runaway shell script, locating: 24.15. Killing Processes by Name?
showing all jobs with -x or -e options: 23.11. Disowning Processes
x option: 1.10. The Kernel and Daemons
zombies, listing: 24.12. Destroying Processes with kill
PS2 environment variable: 35.5. Predefined Environment Variables
pseudo-terminal: 24.6. The Controlling Terminal
pstat utility: 48.6.2. Checking Swap Space
psychotherapist program, Emacs: 19.13. An Absurd Amusement
ptbk script (for incremental backups): 38.9. On-Demand Incremental Backups of a Project
pty: 24.6. The Controlling Terminal
public directive (smb.conf): 47.2. Installing and Configuring Samba
public-domain version of Korn shell (see pdksh)
public key cryptography
authentication, not working on SSH: 51.5. General and Authentication Problems
installing key file on remote host: 51.5. General and Authentication Problems
passphrase, problems with: 51.5. General and Authentication Problems
SSL, use of: 46.6. Secure Shell (SSH)
punctuation in filenames: 1.11. Filenames
push operator (Perl): 41.5.2. Arrays
pushd command: 4.8. Session Info in Window Title or Status Line
4.14. dirs in Your Prompt: Better Than $cwd
4.14. dirs in Your Prompt: Better Than $cwd
31.7. The Shells' pushd and popd Commands
aliases for: 31.8. Nice Aliases for pushd
pushing or pulling information: 25.1. Building Software Robots the Easy Way
put command
copying files to remote host from Unix: 47.6. Connecting to SMB Shares from Unix
restoring text with vi editor: 17.6. Using Buffers to Move or Copy Text
pwd command: 10.7. Linking Directories
31.4. How Does Unix Find Your Current Directory?
PWD environment variable: 35.5. Predefined Environment Variables
storing in prompt to give current directory: 4.4. Simulating Dynamic Prompts
unsetting before using Emacs: 19.9. Unset PWD Before Using Emacs
Python: 42.1. What Is Python?
installation: 42.2. Installation and Distutils
Disutils program and: 42.2. Installation and Distutils
modules, checking for: 42.2. Installation and Distutils
overview of language: 42.3. Python Basics
functions: 42.3.2. Functions
GUIs: 42.3.6. wxPython
indentation: 42.3.1. Indentation
I/O and formatting: 42.3.5. I/O and Formatting
modules and packages: 42.3.4. Modules and Packages
objects: 42.3.3. Everything's an Object
Perl vs.: 42.10. What About Perl?
portability of: 42.1. What Is Python?
web, interacting with: 42.4. Python and the Web
cgi module: 42.8. cgi
htmllib and HTMLParser modules: 42.7. htmllib and HTMLParser
mod_python module: 42.9. mod_python
urllib module: 42.5. urllib

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