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Index: Symbols & Numbers
- - (minus sign)
- in Boolean mode searches: Boolean mode
- subtraction operator: 3.8. SQL Operators
- 17.1.2. Arithmetic Operators
- /* and */
- multiline comments in C: 15.1.3. Comments
- multiline comments in PHP scripts: 11.1.1. A Short Language Primer
- * (asterisk)
- in Boolean mode searches: Boolean mode
- extended regular expression: 3.8.4. Pattern Matching
- multiplication operator: 3.8. SQL Operators
- 17.1.2. Arithmetic Operators
- naming tables in ON clause: GRANT and REVOKE
- @ (at sign)
- function call prefix when using showerror( ): 11.3.5. Handling MySQL Errors
- identifying users to MySQL: GRANT and REVOKE
- \ (backslash)
- escape character: 3.6.1. Inserts
- escape sequences for MySQL: 15.1.1. Literals
- exporting tab delimited data: 15.2. SQL Commands
- | (bitwise OR operator): 17.1.2. Arithmetic Operators
- [] (brackets), extended regular expression: 3.8.4. Pattern Matching
- ^ (caret), extended regular expression: 3.8.4. Pattern Matching
- $ (dollar sign)
- extended regular expression: 3.8.4. Pattern Matching
- variable identifier in PHP: 11.1.1. A Short Language Primer
- == (double equals), variable equality test in PHP: 11.1.1. A Short Language Primer
- = (equal sign)
- comparison operator: 3.8. SQL Operators
- variable assignment operator in PHP: 11.1.1. A Short Language Primer
- \\ escape sequence (MySQL): 15.1.1. Literals
- != (inequality operator): 3.8. SQL Operators
- 17.1.3. Comparison Operators
- ! (NOT logical operator): 17.1.4. Logical Operators
- // (one-line comments in PHP scripts): 11.1.1. A Short Language Primer
- || (OR logical operator): 17.1.4. Logical Operators
- ( ) parentheses
- in Boolean mode searches: Boolean mode
- overriding precedence rules: 3.8.1. Logical Operators
- % (percent)
- modulo of two values: 17.1.2. Arithmetic Operators
- pattern matching character: 3.8.4. Pattern Matching
- 9.1.4. Introducing Bind Variables and Optimizations
- . (period), extended regular expression: 3.8.4. Pattern Matching
- + (plus sign)
- addition operator: 3.8. SQL Operators
- 17.1.2. Arithmetic Operators
- in Boolean mode searches: Boolean mode
- # (pound sign)
- comments in configuration files: 4.1.2. File Content
- one-line comments in C: 15.1.3. Comments
- one-line comments in PHP scripts: 11.1.1. A Short Language Primer
- ; (semicolon)
- comments in configuration files: 4.1.2. File Content
- statement termination character in PHP scripts: 11.1.1. A Short Language Primer
- / (slash) division operator: 3.8. SQL Operators
- 17.1.2. Arithmetic Operators
- ~ (tilde), in Boolean mode searches: Boolean mode
- 1-to-1 relationships: 7.2.5. Kinds of Relationships
- designing models for maintainable Perl programs: 9.3.1. A Model for Relational Data
- object/relational modeling: 8.3. Object/Relational Modeling
- 1-to-M relationships: 7.2.5. Kinds of Relationships
- 7.4.2. Foreign Keys
- designing models for maintainable Perl programs: 9.3.1. A Model for Relational Data
- wedding gift registry database: 11.3.1. The Wedding Gift Registry Database
- === (triple equals), parameter equality test in PHP: 11.1.1. A Short Language Primer
- _ (underscore), pattern matching character: 3.8.4. Pattern Matching
- & (bitwise AND operator): 17.1.2. Arithmetic Operators
- && (AND logical operator): 17.1.4. Logical Operators
- >= (greater-than-or-equal-to comparison operator): 3.8. SQL Operators
- 17.1.3. Comparison Operators
- ?> (PHP end tag): 11.1. Introducing PHP
- 11.1.1. A Short Language Primer
- > (right angle bracket)
- in Boolean mode searches: Boolean mode
- greater-than comparison operator: 3.8. SQL Operators
- 17.1.3. Comparison Operators
- >> (bitwise right-shift operator): 17.1.2. Arithmetic Operators
- < (left angle bracket)
- in Boolean mode searches: Boolean mode
- less-than comparison operator: 3.8. SQL Operators
- 17.1.3. Comparison Operators
- <= (less-than-or-equal-to comparison operator): 3.8. SQL Operators
- 17.1.3. Comparison Operators
- <Emphasis>Apache: The Definitive Guide<Default Para Font>: 11.8. Where to Find Out More
- <Emphasis>CGI Programming with Perl<Default Para Font>: 9.2.1. Introduction to Perl CGI
- <Emphasis>Database Programming with JDBC and Java<Default Para Font>: 13. Java
- 13.2.1. Queries and Result Sets
- <Emphasis>Learning Java<Default Para Font>: 13. Java
- <Emphasis>Learning Python<Default Para Font>: 10. Python
- <Emphasis>lex & yacc<Default Para Font>: 3.1. SQL Basics
- <Emphasis>PHP and MySQL Web Development<Default Para Font>: 11.8. Where to Find Out More
- <Emphasis>PHP Black Book<Default Para Font>: 11.8. Where to Find Out More
- <Emphasis>PHP Developer's Cookbook<Default Para Font>: 11.8. Where to Find Out More
- <Emphasis>PHP Functions Essential Reference<Default Para Font>: 11.8. Where to Find Out More
- <Emphasis>Professional PHP4 Programming<Default Para Font>: 11.8. Where to Find Out More
- <Emphasis>Programming Perl<Default Para Font>: 9.3. A General Model for Maintainable Perl Programs
- <Emphasis>Programming the Perl DBI<Default Para Font>: 9.1. Introduction to DBI
- <Emphasis>Web Database Applications with PHP and MySQL<Default Para Font>: 11.8. Where to Find Out More
- <> (inequality operator): 3.8. SQL Operators
- 17.1.3. Comparison Operators
- <=> (null-safe operator): 3.8.2. Null's Idiosyncrasies
- << (bitwise left-shift operator): 17.1.2. Arithmetic Operators
- 1NF (first normal form): 7.2.1. First Normal Form
- 2NF (second normal form): 7.2.4. Second Normal Form
- 7.2.7. More 2NF
- 3NF (third normal form): 7.2.8. Third Normal Form
- "" (double quotes), for quoting identifiers: 15.1.2. Identifiers
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