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Index: O

object-oriented database management systems (OODBMS): 3.1.1. The SQL Story
object-oriented programming
creating maintainable Perl programs: 9.3.1. A Model for Relational Data
object/relational modeling: 8.3. Object/Relational Modeling
object-relational database management systems (ORDBMS): 3.1.1. The SQL Story
instantiating: 8.3. Object/Relational Modeling
mysql_fetch_object( ) and: 18.2. Functions
OCT( ) function: 17.2.2. General Functions
OCTET_LENGTH( ) function: 17.2.2. General Functions
mysql_odbc_escape_string( ) and: 19.2. Functions
mysql_odbc_remove_escape( ) and: 19.2. Functions
O'Dell, Devon: 11.8. Where to Find Out More
ON clause (GRANT statement): GRANT and REVOKE
ON keyword: 3.9.5. Outer Joins
one-and-only-one relationships: 7.2.3. Relationships
--one-database mysql option: 4.5.1. mysqldump Recovery
one-or-many relationships: 7.2.3. Relationships
one-to-many relationships: 7.2.5. Kinds of Relationships
7.4.2. Foreign Keys
designing models for maintainable Perl programs: 9.3.1. A Model for Relational Data
wedding gift registry database: 11.3.1. The Wedding Gift Registry Database
one-to-one relationships: 7.2.5. Kinds of Relationships
designing models for maintainable Perl programs: 9.3.1. A Model for Relational Data
object/relational modeling: 8.3. Object/Relational Modeling
OODBMS (object-oriented database management systems): 3.1.1. The SQL Story
operating systems
performance tuning for: 5.4. Operating System/Hardware Tuning
security for: 6.2.1. Operating System Security
operators, SQL: 3.8. SQL Operators
17.1. Operators
OPTIMIZE statement: 15.2. SQL Commands
optimizing performance: 5. Performance Tuning
using bind variables: 9.1.4. Introducing Bind Variables and Optimizations
slow query logs: 4.3.3. The Slow Query Log
OPTIONALLY keyword: Pulling data from MySQL
15.2. SQL Commands
OR logical operator: 3.8. SQL Operators
17.1.4. Logical Operators
performing membership tests: 3.8.3. Membership Tests
Oracle SQL: 3.1.1. The SQL Story
Oracle vs. MySQL: 1.4. MySQL Features
ORD( ) function: 17.2.2. General Functions
ORDBMS (object-relational database management systems): 3.1.1. The SQL Story
ORDER BY clause: Basic ordering
15.2. SQL Commands
ORDER BY RAND( ) clause: Basic ordering
Orion application server: Data sources revisited
Orwant, Jon: 9.3. A General Model for Maintainable Perl Programs
outer joins: 1.4. MySQL Features
3.9.5. Outer Joins
ownership of binaries, setting up: 2.2.1. Binary (Tarball) Distributions
2.2.3. Source Distributions

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