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Index: B

\b escape sequence (MySQL): 15.1.1. Literals
backslash (\)
escape character: 3.6.1. Inserts
escape sequences for MySQL: 15.1.1. Literals
exporting tab delimited data: 15.2. SQL Commands
backups, MySQL: 4.4. Backup
batch processing
parameterized SQL and: 10.1.3. Parameterized SQL
support for: 3.9.7. Batch Processing
BDB (Berkeley DB) table type: 3.9.2. Transactions
15.2. SQL Commands
database transactions and: 8.2.2. Transactions
BEGIN statement, ending transactions with: 3.9.2. Transactions
BENCHMARK( ) function: 17.2.2. General Functions
Berkeley_db table type: 15.2. SQL Commands
BETWEEN operator: 3.8.3. Membership Tests
BIGINT data type: 16.1. Numeric Data Types
19.1. Data Types
BIN( ) function: 17.2.2. General Functions
binary data types: 3.4.3. Binary Data Types
binary distributions
installing: 2.1. Preparation
using RPM (RedHat Package Manager): 2.2.2. Binary (RPM) Distributions
using tar and gunzip utilities: 2.2.1. Binary (Tarball) Distributions
naming conventions for: 2.2.1. Binary (Tarball) Distributions
binary literals (SQL): 15.1.1. Literals
binary logs: 4.3.2. The Binary Log
backup considerations and: 4.4. Backup
performing recovery with: 4.5. Recovery
Binary object (Python DB-API): 10.1.4. Other Objects
bind variables: 9.1.4. Introducing Bind Variables and Optimizations
9.2.3. A Sample CGI/DBI Program
bind_param( ): 9.1.4. Introducing Bind Variables and Optimizations
bind_where( ) and: 9.3.2. Implementing the Model Methods that handle WHERE clauses
bind_where( ) (Publisher class): 9.3.2. Implementing the Model Methods that handle WHERE clauses
--binlog-do-db=dbname option: 4.3.2. The Binary Log
--binlog-ignore-db=dbname option: 4.3.2. The Binary Log
Birznieks, Gunther: 9.2.1. Introduction to Perl CGI
BIT_AND( ) function: 17.2.1. Aggregate Functions
BIT_COUNT( ) function: 17.2.2. General Functions
BIT_LENGTH( ) function: 17.2.2. General Functions
bitmask values for character features: 14.2.1. Simple Character Sets
BIT_OR( ) function: 17.2.1. Aggregate Functions
bitwise AND operator (&): 17.1.2. Arithmetic Operators
bitwise left-shift operator (<<): 17.1.2. Arithmetic Operators
bitwise OR operator (|): 17.1.2. Arithmetic Operators
bitwise right-shift operator (>>): 17.1.2. Arithmetic Operators
BLOB data type: 3.4.3. Binary Data Types
16.2. String Data Types
19.1. Data Types
IS_BLOB( ) macro: 19.1. Data Types
Boolean mode searches: Boolean mode
brackets ([]), extended regular expression: 3.8.4. Pattern Matching
bridging technology for database access: 13.1. The JDBC API
Brown, Doug: 3.1. SQL Basics
browsers (see web browsers)
BSD systems, server startup/shutdown for: Other Unix
buffer overflows, security problems with: Direct compromise
buffers, controlling size of: 5.3. Database Server Tuning
Bunce, Tim: 9.1. Introduction to DBI

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