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Index: O

ob_clean( ): 13.3.1. Output Buffering (Programming PHP)
ob_end_clean( ): 13.3.1. Output Buffering (Programming PHP)
A.2c. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (j-q) (Programming PHP)
ob_end_flush( ): 8.13.2. Solution (PHP Cookbook)
13.3.1. Output Buffering (Programming PHP)
A.2c. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (j-q) (Programming PHP)
ob_flush( ): 13.3.1. Output Buffering (Programming PHP)
ob_get_contents( ): A.2c. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (j-q) (Programming PHP)
ob_get_contents( ) function: 13.3.1. Output Buffering (Programming PHP)
ob_get_length( ): 13.3.1. Output Buffering (Programming PHP)
A.2c. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (j-q) (Programming PHP)
ob_gzhandler( ): 13.3.2. Compressing Output (Programming PHP)
A.2c. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (j-q) (Programming PHP)
ob_implicit_flush( ): A.2c. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (j-q) (Programming PHP)
object attribute, applet elements: 8.3. Alphabetical Tag Reference (Dynamic HTML)
object attribute, <applet>: 3.2. HTML Tag and Attribute Descriptions (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
Object( ), calling as function: 11.1.2. Explicit Type Conversions (JavaScript)
(object) casting operator: 2.4.11. Casting Operators (Programming PHP)
object context, using strings in: 3.12. Primitive Data Type Wrapper Objects (JavaScript)
Object data type: 3. Data Types and Values (JavaScript)
object datatypes
JavaScript: Objects (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
PHP: 16.5.6. Objects (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
object detection
browser support flagging: 4.4.1. Browser Support Flagging (Dynamic HTML)
DHTML DOMs and: 2.6.6. Custom APIs (Dynamic HTML)
embedding data example: 5.9.2. Embedding XML Data (Dynamic HTML)
purpose: 2.6.1. Object Detection over Browser Sniffing (Dynamic HTML)
2.6.1. Object Detection over Browser Sniffing (Dynamic HTML)
object elements: 5.9.2. Embedding XML Data (Dynamic HTML)
8.3. Alphabetical Tag Reference (Dynamic HTML)
Object Linking and Embedding (see OLE)
object literals: 2.6. Literals (JavaScript)
3.5.2. Object Literals (JavaScript)
8.1.1. Creating Objects (JavaScript)
object methods: 6.1. Terminology (Programming PHP)
PEAR DB library: 8.3. PEAR DB Basics (Programming PHP)
as XML parsing handlers: 11.3.9. Methods as Handlers (Programming PHP)
object methods, list of: 15. DOM Method Index (Dynamic HTML)
object mysql_fetch_field( ): Other functions (Web Database Applications)
object mysql_fetch_object( ): Frequently used functions (Web Database Applications)
Object object: 8.5.7. Superclasses and Subclasses (JavaScript)
23. Core JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
hasOwnProperty( ): 8.7.5. The hasOwnProperty( ) Method (JavaScript)
inheritance from: 8.7. Object Properties and Methods (JavaScript)
isPrototypeOf( ): 8.7.7. The isPrototypeOf( ) Method (JavaScript)
propertyIsEnumerable( ): 8.7.6. The propertyIsEnumerable( ) Method (JavaScript)
toLocaleString( ) method: 8.7.3. The toLocaleString( ) Method (JavaScript)
toString( ) method: 8.7.2. The toString( ) Method (JavaScript), obtaining class value: 8.7.2. The toString( ) Method (JavaScript)
user-defined objects: 8.7.2. The toString( ) Method (JavaScript)
valueOf( ): 8.7.4. The valueOf( ) Method (JavaScript)
Object object (JavaScript): 11.4. JavaScript API Reference (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
object objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
object-oriented interface to directory information: 19.8.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
object-oriented programming: 2.2.6. Objects (Programming PHP)
declaring classes: 6.4. Declaring a Class (Programming PHP)
inheritance: 1. Introduction to JavaScript (JavaScript)
methods: 1.5. Client-Side JavaScript: Executable Content in Web Pages (JavaScript)
PEAR DB library: 8.3. PEAR DB Basics (Programming PHP)
PHP terminology: 6.1. Terminology (Programming PHP)
object-oriented programming, PHP objects vs.: 7.1. Introduction (PHP Cookbook)
object properties, list of: 14. DOM Property Index (Dynamic HTML)
object property
applet objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
object objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
objects: 6.5.1. Event Bubbling (Dynamic HTML)
1. Introduction to JavaScript (JavaScript)
3. Data Types and Values (JavaScript)
3. Data Types and Values (JavaScript)
3.5. Objects (JavaScript)
8. Objects (JavaScript)
7.2.1. Problem (PHP Cookbook)
2.2.6. Objects (Programming PHP)
6. Objects (Programming PHP)
A.2b. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (f-i) (Programming PHP)
2.11. Objects (Web Database Applications)
abstract objects: 1.6.1. DOM Level 0 (Dynamic HTML)
2.4. Netscape 6 (Mozilla) DHTML (Dynamic HTML)
5.4.1. Precaching Images (Dynamic HTML)
access operators: 5.10.7. Array and Object Access Operators (JavaScript)
Array: 3. Data Types and Values (JavaScript)
arrays of: 4.1. Introduction (PHP Cookbook)
arrays vs.: 9. Arrays (JavaScript)
as associative arrays: 3.5. Objects (JavaScript)
8.6. Objects as Associative Arrays (JavaScript)
8.6. Objects as Associative Arrays (JavaScript)
base, adding properties to: 7.12.1. Problem (PHP Cookbook)
call objects: 4.6.2. Local Variables: The Call Object (JavaScript)
7.3. Function Scope: The Call Object (JavaScript)
casting to/from arrays: 2.4.11. Casting Operators (Programming PHP)
centering: 4.5.1. Centering an Object (Dynamic HTML)
classes for: 8.5. Object-Oriented JavaScript (JavaScript)
complex number class, defining: 8.5.6. Example: Complex Numbers (JavaScript)
hierarchy: 8.5.7. Superclasses and Subclasses (JavaScript)
client-side JavaScript, case insensitivity in: 2.2. Case Sensitivity (JavaScript)
cloning: 7.5.1. Problem (PHP Cookbook)
COM class and VARIANT type: 15.3.2. PHP Functions (Programming PHP)
communication with: 1.6. Document Object Model (Dynamic HTML)
comparing by reference: 5.4.1. Equality (==) and Identity (===) (JavaScript)
constructor method, defining: 7.3.1. Problem (PHP Cookbook)
constructor property: 8.7.1. The constructor Property (JavaScript)
converting strings to: 23. Core JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
converting to primitive data type: 5.4.1. Equality (==) and Identity (===) (JavaScript)
11.1.1. Object-to-Primitive Conversion (JavaScript)
converting to strings: 23. Core JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
copying, passing, and comparing by reference: 11.2.1. Primitive Types and Reference Types (JavaScript)
Core DOM module and: 1.6. Document Object Model (Dynamic HTML)
creating: 3.5.1. Creating Objects (JavaScript)
8.1.1. Creating Objects (JavaScript)
6.2. Creating an Object (Programming PHP)
with constructor function and new operator: 8.2. Constructors (JavaScript)
object literals, using: 8.1.1. Creating Objects (JavaScript)
creation operator: 5.10.3. The Object Creation Operator (new) (JavaScript)
Date: 3. Data Types and Values (JavaScript)
defined: 6.1. Terminology (Programming PHP)
delete operator and: 5.10.4. The delete Operator (JavaScript)
destroying: 7.4.1. Problem (PHP Cookbook)
displaying with print_r( ): 4.2.4. print_r( ) and var_dump( ) (Programming PHP)
document objects: 3.3. Two Types of Containment (Dynamic HTML) W3C DOM text (Dynamic HTML)
behaving as JavaScript arrays: 17.1.6. Language-Independent DOM Interfaces (JavaScript)
factory methods for creating: 17.1.6. Language-Independent DOM Interfaces (JavaScript)
DOM nodes: 12.4.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
element objects: 2.4.1. Element Object References (Dynamic HTML)
2.6.6. Custom APIs (Dynamic HTML)
3.6.3. Selecting a Style Sheet Style (Dynamic HTML)
5.7.1. Changing Element Text (Dynamic HTML)
embedded in browsers, JavaScript interaction with: 1.6.6. Still More Features (JavaScript)
error: 3.11. Error Objects (JavaScript)
existence, testing for: 12.3.3. Event Handlers (JavaScript)
extension functions returning: 14.8.3. Objects (Programming PHP)
form object components: 3.3. Two Types of Containment (Dynamic HTML)
Function: 3. Data Types and Values (JavaScript)
7.5. Function Properties and Methods (JavaScript)
functions for: A.1. PHP Functions by Category (Programming PHP)
getting class for: A.2b. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (f-i) (Programming PHP)
global: 23. Core JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
GTK: 20.6.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
handler functions, order of invoking: 19.2.2. Event Handler Registration (JavaScript)
hierarchy, client-side: 12.1.2. The Client-Side Object Hierarchy and the Document Object Model (JavaScript)
HTML document content: 1.5. Client-Side JavaScript: Executable Content in Web Pages (JavaScript)
identity, comparing for: 5.4.1. Equality (==) and Identity (===) (JavaScript)
in XML parsing: 11.3.9. Methods as Handlers (Programming PHP)
inheritance from prototypes: 8.4. Prototypes and Inheritance (JavaScript)
instance methods: 8.5.2. Instance Methods (JavaScript)
instance properties: 8.5.1. Instance Properties (JavaScript)
instantiation of: 7.1. Introduction (PHP Cookbook)
7.1. Introduction (PHP Cookbook)
dynamic: 7.14.1. Problem (PHP Cookbook)
introspection: 6.5. Introspection (Programming PHP)
JavaArray object: 22.4.4. The JavaArray Class (JavaScript)
JavaClass object: 22.4.2. The JavaClass Class (JavaScript)
JavaObject object: 22.4.3. The JavaObject Class (JavaScript)
24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
JavaScript conversion of: 22.6. JavaScript Conversion of JavaObjects (JavaScript)
JavaPackage object: 22.4.1. The JavaPackage Class (JavaScript)
JavaScript: 1.6. Client-Side JavaScript Features (JavaScript)
1.6. Client-Side JavaScript Features (JavaScript)
(see also individual object names)
corresponding to HTML elements: 19.1.3. Event Handlers as Properties (JavaScript)
Date object: 1.6.6. Still More Features (JavaScript)
Document object: 1.6.1. Control Document Appearance and Content (JavaScript)
Form object and Form element objects: 1.6.3. Interact with HTML Forms (JavaScript)
Navigator object: 1.6.6. Still More Features (JavaScript)
Screen object: 1.6.6. Still More Features (JavaScript)
setting properties and array elements from Java: 22.2.1. The JSObject Class (JavaScript)
Window object: 1.6.2. Control the Browser (JavaScript)
JSObject objects: 22.7. Java-to-JavaScript Data Conversion (JavaScript)
languages stored in: 16.10.2. Solution (PHP Cookbook)
for message catalogs: 16.5.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
methods: 3.4. Functions (JavaScript)
8.3. Methods (JavaScript)
8.7.2. The toString( ) Method (JavaScript)
array sorting, use in: 4.20.1. Problem (PHP Cookbook)
methods and properties, finding: 7.11.1. Problem (PHP Cookbook)
moving: 4.5.2. Flying Objects (Dynamic HTML)
object detection and: 2.6.1. Object Detection over Browser Sniffing (Dynamic HTML)
PHP, traditional OO vs.: 7.1. Introduction (PHP Cookbook)
primitive value of: 23. Core JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
23. Core JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
properties: 3.5. Objects (JavaScript)
6.1. Terminology (Programming PHP)
A.2b. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (f-i) (Programming PHP)
deleting: 8.1.4. Undefined Properties (JavaScript)
enumerating: 6.9. for/in (JavaScript)
8.1.3. Enumerating Properties (JavaScript)
same-origin policy: 21.3. The Same-Origin Policy (JavaScript)
setting and querying: 8.1.2. Setting and Querying Properties (JavaScript)
variables as: 4.6. Variables as Properties (JavaScript)
properties and methods, accessing: 6.3. Accessing Properties and Methods (Programming PHP)
properties of
browser capabilities: 8.8.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
interpolating into strings: 1.8.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
prototype: 7.5.2. The prototype Property (JavaScript)
23. Core JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
23. Core JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
23. Core JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
inheritance and: 8.4. Prototypes and Inheritance (JavaScript)
as reference types: 11.2.1. Primitive Types and Reference Types (JavaScript)
reference counting: 11.3.2. Garbage Collection by Reference Counting (JavaScript)
references to: 7.6.1. Problem (PHP Cookbook)
RegExp: 3.10. Regular Expressions (JavaScript)
registering as event handlers: 19.2.4. Registering Objects as Event Handlers (JavaScript)
returned by another method, calling methods on: 7.7.1. Problem (PHP Cookbook)
rows in database query results: Inside a row array (Programming PHP)
serialization of: 6.6. Serialization (Programming PHP)
A.3d. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (r-z) (Programming PHP)
_ _sleep( ) and _ _wakeup( )s: 6.6. Serialization (Programming PHP)
logfile (example): 6.6. Serialization (Programming PHP)
unserializing: A.3d. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (r-z) (Programming PHP)
Simple Object Access Protocol (see SOAP)
string representation of: 5.8.1. Problem (PHP Cookbook)
strings vs.: 3.2.3. Working with Strings (JavaScript)
text content as: 5.7.1. Changing Element Text (Dynamic HTML)
this keyword: 6.3.1. Event Handlers as Tag Attributes (Dynamic HTML)
typeof operator and: 2.6.1. Object Detection over Browser Sniffing (Dynamic HTML)
with statement and: 6.18. with (JavaScript)
wrapper objects: 3.12. Primitive Data Type Wrapper Objects (JavaScript)
22.5.1. Wrapper Objects (JavaScript)
Zend Engine 2 (ZE2) object model: 7.1. Introduction (PHP Cookbook)
ob_start( ): 8.13.2. Solution (PHP Cookbook)
13.3.1. Output Buffering (Programming PHP)
A.2c. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (j-q) (Programming PHP)
OCI8 interface (Oracle database): 10.1. Introduction (PHP Cookbook)
OCIBindByName( ): 10.8.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
OCIExecute( ): 10.1. Introduction (PHP Cookbook)
10.8.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
4.4.3. Oracle 7 and 8 Through the OCI8 Interface (Web Database Applications)
4.4.3. Oracle 7 and 8 Through the OCI8 Interface (Web Database Applications)
OCIFetch( ): 10.1. Introduction (PHP Cookbook)
4.4.3. Oracle 7 and 8 Through the OCI8 Interface (Web Database Applications)
OCILogin( ): 10.1. Introduction (PHP Cookbook)
OCILogon( ): 4.4.3. Oracle 7 and 8 Through the OCI8 Interface (Web Database Applications)
OCIParse( ): 10.1. Introduction (PHP Cookbook)
10.8.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
4.4.3. Oracle 7 and 8 Through the OCI8 Interface (Web Database Applications)
OCIPLogon( ): 10.1. Introduction (PHP Cookbook)
OCIResult( ): 10.1. Introduction (PHP Cookbook)
4.4.3. Oracle 7 and 8 Through the OCI8 Interface (Web Database Applications)
octal numbers: 3.1.2. Hexadecimal and Octal Literals (JavaScript)
3.1.2. Hexadecimal and Octal Literals (JavaScript)
2.2.1. Integers (Programming PHP)
Latin-1 characters, escape sequences: 3.2.2. Escape Sequences in String Literals (JavaScript)
octal system: 2.9.4. Number Systems (Web Database Applications)
octal values: 2.16.1. Problem (PHP Cookbook)
converting mode element of file information array to: 19.3.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
\ddd, indicating with: 13.3.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
in double-quoted strings, escape sequence: 1.1. Introduction (PHP Cookbook)
file permissions written in, converting to easier-reading strings: 19.13. Program: Web Server Directory Listing (PHP Cookbook)
permissions passed to chmod( ): 19.4.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
permissions written in: 19.1. Introduction (PHP Cookbook)
octdec( ): 2.15.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
A.2c. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (j-q) (Programming PHP)
ODBC data sources, interacting with: 15.4. Interacting with ODBC Data Sources (Programming PHP)
Access: 15.4.4. Working with Access (Programming PHP)
configuring a DSN: 15.4.1. Configuring a DSN (Programming PHP)
accessing data: 15.4.2. Accessing Excel Data (Programming PHP)
limitations as database: 15.4.3. Limitations of Excel as a Database (Programming PHP)
ODBC extension: B.1. Optional Extensions Listing (Programming PHP)
ODBC functions: 4.4.2. Open DataBase Connectivity (ODBC) (Web Database Applications)
ODBC standard
PHP support of: 10.1. Introduction (PHP Cookbook)
weeks of the year: 3.8.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
odbc_connect( ): 4.4.2. Open DataBase Connectivity (ODBC) (Web Database Applications)
odbc_exec( ): 4.4.2. Open DataBase Connectivity (ODBC) (Web Database Applications)
off-screen images, caching and: 14.6.2. Offscreen Images and Caching (JavaScript)
offscreenBuffering property, window objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
offset( ): 24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
offsetHeight property: 9.2. About client- and offset- Properties (Dynamic HTML)
9.5.3. Event Handlers (Dynamic HTML)
24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
offsetLeft property: 9.2. About client- and offset- Properties (Dynamic HTML)
9.5.3. Event Handlers (Dynamic HTML)
24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
offsetParent property: 9.5.3. Event Handlers (Dynamic HTML)
24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
offsets between time zones: 3.12.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook), modifying hardcoded for DST: 3.13.2. Solution (PHP Cookbook)
offsetTop property: 9.2. About client- and offset- Properties (Dynamic HTML)
9.5.3. Event Handlers (Dynamic HTML)
24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
offsetWidth property: 9.2. About client- and offset- Properties (Dynamic HTML)
9.5.3. Event Handlers (Dynamic HTML)
24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
offsetX, offsetY properties (IE Event): 19.3.1. The IE Event Object (JavaScript)
24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
offsetX property, event objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
offsetY property, event objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
ol elements: 3.2. Understanding Block-Level Elements (Dynamic HTML)
3.7. Common Subgroup Selectors (Dynamic HTML)
8.3. Alphabetical Tag Reference (Dynamic HTML)
ol objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
OLE (Object Linking and Embedding): 15.3.1. Background (Programming PHP), COM objects and parameters, exposing with Word macro: 15.3.3. Determining the API (Programming PHP)
onabort attribute, <image>: 11.3.8. Events and Event Handling (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
onabort attribute, <img>: 3.2. HTML Tag and Attribute Descriptions (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
onabort event: 6.1. Event Types (Dynamic HTML)
10.1. Alphabetical Event Reference (Dynamic HTML)
onabort event handler: 14.6.3. Image Event Handlers (JavaScript)
24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
onactivate event: 10.1. Alphabetical Event Reference (Dynamic HTML)
onafterprint event: 10.1. Alphabetical Event Reference (Dynamic HTML)
onafterupdate event: 10.1. Alphabetical Event Reference (Dynamic HTML)
onbeforeactivate event: 10.1. Alphabetical Event Reference (Dynamic HTML)
onbeforecopy event: 6.1. Event Types (Dynamic HTML)
10.1. Alphabetical Event Reference (Dynamic HTML)
onbeforecut event: 6.1. Event Types (Dynamic HTML)
10.1. Alphabetical Event Reference (Dynamic HTML)
onbeforedeactivate event: 10.1. Alphabetical Event Reference (Dynamic HTML)
onbeforeeditfocus event: 10.1. Alphabetical Event Reference (Dynamic HTML)
onbeforepaste event: 6.1. Event Types (Dynamic HTML)
10.1. Alphabetical Event Reference (Dynamic HTML)
onbeforeprint event: 10.1. Alphabetical Event Reference (Dynamic HTML)
10.1. Alphabetical Event Reference (Dynamic HTML)
onbeforeprint event handler: 6.1. Event Types (Dynamic HTML)
onbeforeunload event: 10.1. Alphabetical Event Reference (Dynamic HTML)
onbeforeupdate event: 10.1. Alphabetical Event Reference (Dynamic HTML)
onblur attribute
<area> tag: 3.2. HTML Tag and Attribute Descriptions (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
<body> tags: 3.2. HTML Tag and Attribute Descriptions (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
11.3.8. Events and Event Handling (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
<button> tag: 3.2. HTML Tag and Attribute Descriptions (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
<frameset> tags: 3.2. HTML Tag and Attribute Descriptions (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
<input> tag: 3.2. HTML Tag and Attribute Descriptions (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
3.2. HTML Tag and Attribute Descriptions (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
3.2. HTML Tag and Attribute Descriptions (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
3.2. HTML Tag and Attribute Descriptions (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
<label> tags: 3.2. HTML Tag and Attribute Descriptions (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
<select> tags: 3.2. HTML Tag and Attribute Descriptions (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
<textarea> tags: 3.2. HTML Tag and Attribute Descriptions (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
onblur event: 10.1. Alphabetical Event Reference (Dynamic HTML)
onblur event handler: 6.1. Event Types (Dynamic HTML)
form elements: 15.3.3. Form Element Event Handlers (JavaScript)
Input object: 24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
window losing keyboard focus: 24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
onbounce event: 10.1. Alphabetical Event Reference (Dynamic HTML)
oncellchange event: 10.1. Alphabetical Event Reference (Dynamic HTML)
onchange attribute: 11.3.8. Events and Event Handling (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
<input> tag: 3.2. HTML Tag and Attribute Descriptions (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
3.2. HTML Tag and Attribute Descriptions (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
3.2. HTML Tag and Attribute Descriptions (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
<select> tags: 3.2. HTML Tag and Attribute Descriptions (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
<textarea> tags: 3.2. HTML Tag and Attribute Descriptions (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
onChange event: 2.4.4. Document Events (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
onchange event handler: 6.1. Event Types (Dynamic HTML)
6.3.1. Event Handlers as Tag Attributes (Dynamic HTML)
1.8. Example: Computing Loan Payments with JavaScript (JavaScript)
12.2.3. Event Handlers (JavaScript)
FileUpload object: 24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
form elements: 15.3.3. Form Element Event Handlers (JavaScript)
FileUpload: 15.3.6. Text Fields (JavaScript)
Radio and Checkbox: 15.3.5. Toggle Buttons (JavaScript)
Select: 15.3.7. Select and Option Elements (JavaScript)
text fields: 15.3.6. Text Fields (JavaScript)
Input object: 24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
Select object: 24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
Text object: 24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
Textarea object: 24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
onclick attribute: 3.1. Core Attributes (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
11.3.8. Events and Event Handling (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
<hr> tag: 3.2. HTML Tag and Attribute Descriptions (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
onclick event: 10.1. Alphabetical Event Reference (Dynamic HTML)
onclick event handler: 5.3. Links to Multiple Frames (Dynamic HTML)
5.3. Links to Multiple Frames (Dynamic HTML)
6.1. Event Types (Dynamic HTML)
6.1. Event Types (Dynamic HTML)
6.3. Binding Event Handlers to Elements (Dynamic HTML)
6.3.2. Event Handlers as Object Properties (Dynamic HTML)
1.5. Client-Side JavaScript: Executable Content in Web Pages (JavaScript)
1.8. Example: Computing Loan Payments with JavaScript (JavaScript)
12.2.3. Event Handlers (JavaScript)
12.2.3. Event Handlers (JavaScript)
14.7.2. Link Event Handlers (JavaScript)
Button object: 24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
Checkbox object: 24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
form elements: 15.3.3. Form Element Event Handlers (JavaScript), Radio and Checkbox: 15.3.5. Toggle Buttons (JavaScript)
HTMLElement object: 24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
Input object: 24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
Link object: 14.1.5. Document Objects and Event Handlers (JavaScript)
24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
Reset object: 24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
Submit object: 24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
tags: 19.1.1. Events and Event Types (JavaScript)
oncontextmenu event: 10.1. Alphabetical Event Reference (Dynamic HTML)
oncontextmenu event handler: 6.1. Event Types (Dynamic HTML)
6.5.3. IE/Windows Event Capture (Dynamic HTML)
oncontrolselect event: 10.1. Alphabetical Event Reference (Dynamic HTML)
oncopy event: 10.1. Alphabetical Event Reference (Dynamic HTML)
oncopy event handler: 6.1. Event Types (Dynamic HTML)
oncut event: 10.1. Alphabetical Event Reference (Dynamic HTML)
oncut event handler: 6.1. Event Types (Dynamic HTML)
ondataavailable event: 10.1. Alphabetical Event Reference (Dynamic HTML)
ondatasetchanged event: 10.1. Alphabetical Event Reference (Dynamic HTML)
ondatasetcomplete event: 10.1. Alphabetical Event Reference (Dynamic HTML)
ondblclick attribute: 3.1. Core Attributes (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
11.3.8. Events and Event Handling (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
<hr> tag: 3.2. HTML Tag and Attribute Descriptions (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
onDblClick event: 2.4.2. Mouse-Related Events (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
ondblclick event handler: 6.1. Event Types (Dynamic HTML)
24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
ondeactivate event: 10.1. Alphabetical Event Reference (Dynamic HTML)
ondrag event: 6.1. Event Types (Dynamic HTML)
10.1. Alphabetical Event Reference (Dynamic HTML)
ondragdrop event: 10.1. Alphabetical Event Reference (Dynamic HTML)
ondragend event: 6.1. Event Types (Dynamic HTML)
10.1. Alphabetical Event Reference (Dynamic HTML)
10.1. Alphabetical Event Reference (Dynamic HTML)
ondragenter event: 6.1. Event Types (Dynamic HTML)
10.1. Alphabetical Event Reference (Dynamic HTML)
ondragleave event: 6.1. Event Types (Dynamic HTML)
10.1. Alphabetical Event Reference (Dynamic HTML)
ondragover event: 6.1. Event Types (Dynamic HTML)
10.1. Alphabetical Event Reference (Dynamic HTML)
ondragstart event: 10.1. Alphabetical Event Reference (Dynamic HTML)
10.1. Alphabetical Event Reference (Dynamic HTML)
ondrop event: 6.1. Event Types (Dynamic HTML)
10.1. Alphabetical Event Reference (Dynamic HTML)
one-component querying: 5. User-Driven Querying (Web Database Applications)
5.2.3. One-Component Querying (Web Database Applications)
one-way encryption: 14.1. Introduction (PHP Cookbook), crypt( ) function, use in: 14.5.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
onerror attribute, <img>: 3.2. HTML Tag and Attribute Descriptions (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
11.3.8. Events and Event Handling (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
onerror event: 10.1. Alphabetical Event Reference (Dynamic HTML)
onerror event handler: 6.1. Event Types (Dynamic HTML)
13.5. Error Handling (JavaScript)
14.6.3. Image Event Handlers (JavaScript)
Image object: 24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
Window object: 24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript), suppressing language version errors: 20.2.3. Suppressing Version-Related Errors (JavaScript)
onerrorupdate event: 10.1. Alphabetical Event Reference (Dynamic HTML)
onfilterchange event: 10.1. Alphabetical Event Reference (Dynamic HTML)
onfinish event: 10.1. Alphabetical Event Reference (Dynamic HTML)
onfocus attribute
<area> tag: 3.2. HTML Tag and Attribute Descriptions (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
<body> tags: 3.2. HTML Tag and Attribute Descriptions (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
11.3.8. Events and Event Handling (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
<button> tag: 3.2. HTML Tag and Attribute Descriptions (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
<frameset> tags: 3.2. HTML Tag and Attribute Descriptions (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
<input> tag: 3.2. HTML Tag and Attribute Descriptions (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
3.2. HTML Tag and Attribute Descriptions (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
3.2. HTML Tag and Attribute Descriptions (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
3.2. HTML Tag and Attribute Descriptions (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
<label> tags: 3.2. HTML Tag and Attribute Descriptions (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
<select> tags: 3.2. HTML Tag and Attribute Descriptions (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
<textarea> tags: 3.2. HTML Tag and Attribute Descriptions (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
onfocus event: 10.1. Alphabetical Event Reference (Dynamic HTML)
onfocus event handler: 6.1. Event Types (Dynamic HTML)
24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
form elements: 15.3.3. Form Element Event Handlers (JavaScript)
Input object: 24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
Window object: 24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
onfocusin event: 6.1. Event Types (Dynamic HTML)
10.1. Alphabetical Event Reference (Dynamic HTML)
onfocusout event: 6.1. Event Types (Dynamic HTML)
10.1. Alphabetical Event Reference (Dynamic HTML)
onhelp event: 6.1. Event Types (Dynamic HTML)
10.1. Alphabetical Event Reference (Dynamic HTML)
onhelp event handler: 24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
onkeydown attribute: 3.1. Core Attributes (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
<body> tags: 11.3.8. Events and Event Handling (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
<hr> tag: 3.2. HTML Tag and Attribute Descriptions (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
3.2. HTML Tag and Attribute Descriptions (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
onKeyDown event: 2.4.3. Keyboard Events (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
onkeydown event handler: 6.1. Event Types (Dynamic HTML)
6.2. Event Objects (Dynamic HTML)
6.6. Understanding Keyboard Event Data (Dynamic HTML)
15.3.6. Text Fields (JavaScript)
24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
onkeypress attribute: 3.1. Core Attributes (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
<body> tags: 11.3.8. Events and Event Handling (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
<hr> tag: 3.2. HTML Tag and Attribute Descriptions (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
onKeyPress event: 2.4.3. Keyboard Events (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
onkeypress event handler: 6.1. Event Types (Dynamic HTML)
6.1. Event Types (Dynamic HTML)
6.2. Event Objects (Dynamic HTML)
6.4.2. The event.returnValue Property (IE 5 and Later) (Dynamic HTML)
6.5. Event Propagation (Dynamic HTML)
6.6. Understanding Keyboard Event Data (Dynamic HTML)
15.3.6. Text Fields (JavaScript)
24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
onkeyup attribute: 3.1. Core Attributes (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
<body> tags: 11.3.8. Events and Event Handling (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
<hr> tag: 3.2. HTML Tag and Attribute Descriptions (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
onkeyup event: 10.1. Alphabetical Event Reference (Dynamic HTML)
onkeyup event handler: 6.1. Event Types (Dynamic HTML)
6.2. Event Objects (Dynamic HTML)
6.6. Understanding Keyboard Event Data (Dynamic HTML)
15.3.6. Text Fields (JavaScript)
24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
onlayoutcomplete event: 10.1. Alphabetical Event Reference (Dynamic HTML)
onLine property, navigator object: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
onload attribute
<body> tags: 3.2. HTML Tag and Attribute Descriptions (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
11.3.8. Events and Event Handling (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
<frameset> tags: 3.2. HTML Tag and Attribute Descriptions (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
<img> tag: 3.2. HTML Tag and Attribute Descriptions (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
onload event: 10.1. Alphabetical Event Reference (Dynamic HTML)
onload event handler: 4.4.1. Browser Support Flagging (Dynamic HTML)
4.4.1. Browser Support Flagging (Dynamic HTML)
5.9.1. The iframe Element (Dynamic HTML)
5.9.2. Embedding XML Data (Dynamic HTML)
5.11. Combining Forces: A Custom Newsletter (Dynamic HTML)
6.1. Event Types (Dynamic HTML)
6.1. Event Types (Dynamic HTML)
12.3.3. Event Handlers (JavaScript)
14.6.3. Image Event Handlers (JavaScript)
Image object: 24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
Window object: 24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
onload event listener: 6.5.1. Event Bubbling (Dynamic HTML)
onlosecapture event: 10.1. Alphabetical Event Reference (Dynamic HTML)
onmousedown attribute: 3.1. Core Attributes (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
11.3.8. Events and Event Handling (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
onMouseDown event: 2.4.2. Mouse-Related Events (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
onmousedown event handler: 6.1. Event Types (Dynamic HTML)
6.5.1. Event Bubbling (Dynamic HTML)
6.7. Dragging Elements (Dynamic HTML)
12.2.3. Event Handlers (JavaScript)
24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
Netscape 4: 19.4.3. Example: Dragging with the Netscape 4 Event Model (JavaScript)
onmouseenter event: 6.1. Event Types (Dynamic HTML)
10.1. Alphabetical Event Reference (Dynamic HTML)
onmouseleave event: 6.1. Event Types (Dynamic HTML)
10.1. Alphabetical Event Reference (Dynamic HTML)
onmousemove attribute: 3.1. Core Attributes (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
11.3.8. Events and Event Handling (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
<hr> tag: 3.2. HTML Tag and Attribute Descriptions (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
onmousemove event: 10.1. Alphabetical Event Reference (Dynamic HTML)
onmousemove event handler: 6.1. Event Types (Dynamic HTML)
6.7. Dragging Elements (Dynamic HTML)
onmouseout attribute: 3.1. Core Attributes (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
11.3.8. Events and Event Handling (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
<hr> tag: 3.2. HTML Tag and Attribute Descriptions (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
onmouseout event: 10.1. Alphabetical Event Reference (Dynamic HTML)
onmouseout event handler: 5.4.2. Swap Your Image (Dynamic HTML)
6.1. Event Types (Dynamic HTML)
12.2.3. Event Handlers (JavaScript)
14.7.2. Link Event Handlers (JavaScript)
20.1.6. Ignore the Problem (JavaScript)
HTMLElement object: 24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
image rollover effect, creating: 14.6.1. Image Replacement with the src Property (JavaScript)
Link object: 24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
Netscape 2 and 3 (Windows), defining for: 20.1.6. Ignore the Problem (JavaScript)
20.1.6. Ignore the Problem (JavaScript)
onmouseover attribute: 3.1. Core Attributes (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
11.3.8. Events and Event Handling (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
<hr> tag: 3.2. HTML Tag and Attribute Descriptions (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
onMouseOver event: 2.4.2. Mouse-Related Events (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
onmouseover event handler: 5.4.2. Swap Your Image (Dynamic HTML)
5.4.3. Internet Explorer Caching Issues (Dynamic HTML)
6.1. Event Types (Dynamic HTML)
6.1. Event Types (Dynamic HTML)
12.2.3. Event Handlers (JavaScript)
14.7.2. Link Event Handlers (JavaScript)
14.7.2. Link Event Handlers (JavaScript)
HTMLElement property: 24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
image rollover effect, creating: 14.6.1. Image Replacement with the src Property (JavaScript)
Link object: 24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
status line in hyperlink, setting: 13.3. The Status Line (JavaScript)
tag: 19.1.1. Events and Event Types (JavaScript)
onmouseup attribute: 3.1. Core Attributes (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
11.3.8. Events and Event Handling (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
<hr> tag: 3.2. HTML Tag and Attribute Descriptions (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
onmouseup event: 10.1. Alphabetical Event Reference (Dynamic HTML)
onmouseup event handler: 6.1. Event Types (Dynamic HTML)
6.7. Dragging Elements (Dynamic HTML)
12.2.3. Event Handlers (JavaScript)
24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
onmousewheel event: 6.1. Event Types (Dynamic HTML)
10.1. Alphabetical Event Reference (Dynamic HTML)
onmove event: 10.1. Alphabetical Event Reference (Dynamic HTML)
10.1. Alphabetical Event Reference (Dynamic HTML)
onmove event handler: 6.1. Event Types (Dynamic HTML)
24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
onmoveend event: 6.1. Event Types (Dynamic HTML)
10.1. Alphabetical Event Reference (Dynamic HTML)
onmovestart event: 6.1. Event Types (Dynamic HTML)
10.1. Alphabetical Event Reference (Dynamic HTML)
onpaste event: 6.1. Event Types (Dynamic HTML)
10.1. Alphabetical Event Reference (Dynamic HTML)
onpropertychange event: 10.1. Alphabetical Event Reference (Dynamic HTML)
onreadystatechange event: 10.1. Alphabetical Event Reference (Dynamic HTML)
onreset attribute, <form>: 3.2. HTML Tag and Attribute Descriptions (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
11.3.8. Events and Event Handling (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
onreset event: 10.1. Alphabetical Event Reference (Dynamic HTML)
onreset event handler: 6.1. Event Types (Dynamic HTML)
12.2.3. Event Handlers (JavaScript)
15.1. The Form Object (JavaScript)
15.1. The Form Object (JavaScript)
24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
onresize attribute, <body>: 11.3.8. Events and Event Handling (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
onresize event: 10.1. Alphabetical Event Reference (Dynamic HTML)
onresize event handler: 6.1. Event Types (Dynamic HTML)
24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
onresizeend event: 10.1. Alphabetical Event Reference (Dynamic HTML)
onresizestart event: 10.1. Alphabetical Event Reference (Dynamic HTML)
onrowenter event: 10.1. Alphabetical Event Reference (Dynamic HTML)
onrowexit event: 10.1. Alphabetical Event Reference (Dynamic HTML)
onrowsdelete event: 10.1. Alphabetical Event Reference (Dynamic HTML)
onrowsinserted event: 10.1. Alphabetical Event Reference (Dynamic HTML)
onscroll event: 6.1. Event Types (Dynamic HTML)
10.1. Alphabetical Event Reference (Dynamic HTML)
onselect attribute
<input> tag: 3.2. HTML Tag and Attribute Descriptions (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
3.2. HTML Tag and Attribute Descriptions (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
<textarea> tags: 3.2. HTML Tag and Attribute Descriptions (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
onSelect event: 2.4.4. Document Events (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
onselect event handler: 6.1. Event Types (Dynamic HTML)
onselectionchange event: 10.1. Alphabetical Event Reference (Dynamic HTML)
onselectstart event: 6.1. Event Types (Dynamic HTML)
10.1. Alphabetical Event Reference (Dynamic HTML)
onstart event: 10.1. Alphabetical Event Reference (Dynamic HTML)
onstop event: 10.1. Alphabetical Event Reference (Dynamic HTML)
onsubmit attribute, <form>: 3.2. HTML Tag and Attribute Descriptions (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
11.3.8. Events and Event Handling (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
onsubmit event: 10.1. Alphabetical Event Reference (Dynamic HTML)
onsubmit event handler: 6.1. Event Types (Dynamic HTML)
6.4. Preventing Default Event Actions (Dynamic HTML)
6.4.1. Setting the return Value (Dynamic HTML)
12.2.3. Event Handlers (JavaScript)
15.1. The Form Object (JavaScript)
24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
element: 14.1.5. Document Objects and Event Handlers (JavaScript)
19.1.1. Events and Event Types (JavaScript)
onsubmit event handler (JavaScript): Form validation (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
onunload attribute
<body> tags: 3.2. HTML Tag and Attribute Descriptions (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
11.3.8. Events and Event Handling (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
<frameset> tags: 3.2. HTML Tag and Attribute Descriptions (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
onunload event: 10.1. Alphabetical Event Reference (Dynamic HTML)
onunload event handler: 6.1. Event Types (Dynamic HTML) onload and onunload event handlers (JavaScript)
Window object: 24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
OOP (see object-oriented programming)
opacity filter attribute: 5.6.1. The style Property (Dynamic HTML)
open( )
Document object: 11.4. JavaScript API Reference (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
Window object: Window control (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
11.4. JavaScript API Reference (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
open( )
Document object: 14.1.1. Document Methods (JavaScript)
24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
creating new documents: 14.2. Dynamically Generated Documents (JavaScript)
non-HTML documents: 14.2.1. Non-HTML Documents (JavaScript)
HTMLDocument object: 25. W3C DOM Reference (JavaScript)
Window object: 13.1. Window Overview (JavaScript)
13.8.1. Opening Windows (JavaScript)
13.8.6. Window Methods Example (JavaScript)
19.1.6. Scope of Event Handlers (JavaScript)
24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
dynamically creating dialog with Document methods: 14.2. Dynamically Generated Documents (JavaScript)
specifying undefined return value: 12.2.4. JavaScript in URLs (JavaScript)
open( ) method
Document objects: 5.1. Writing Variable Content (Dynamic HTML)
Window object: 5.2.2. Secondary Windows (Dynamic HTML)
window objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
Open DataBase Connectivity functions: 4.4.2. Open DataBase Connectivity (ODBC) (Web Database Applications)
open( ) method, Document object: 19.1.6. Scope of Event Handlers (JavaScript)
open-source JavaScript interpreters: 0. Preface (JavaScript)
1.4. JavaScript in Other Contexts (JavaScript)
open_basedir option, restricing filesystem access with: 12.2.2. Restrict Filesystem Access to a Specific Directory (Programming PHP)
open_basedir option, restricting filesystem access with: 12.2. Filenames (Programming PHP)
opendir( ): 19.1. Introduction (PHP Cookbook)
19.8.2. Solution (PHP Cookbook)
A.2c. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (j-q) (Programming PHP)
opener property
window objects: 5.2.2. Secondary Windows (Dynamic HTML)
9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
opener property (Window): 13.1. Window Overview (JavaScript)
13.8.1. Opening Windows (JavaScript)
24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
browser compatibility problems, avoiding: 20.1.1. The Least-Common-Denominator Approach (JavaScript)
files: A.2b. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (f-i) (Programming PHP)
sessions: Custom storage (Programming PHP)
TCP or UDP connection on remote host: A.2b. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (f-i) (Programming PHP), on specific port: A.2c. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (j-q) (Programming PHP)
openlog( ): A.2c. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (j-q) (Programming PHP)
certificates and: A.3.3. Creating a Key and Certificate (Web Database Applications)
downloading/installing: A.3.1. Installing OpenSSL (Web Database Applications)
OpenSSL library: 11.6.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
Opera browser
Connection preference: 2.3.1. Element Object References (Dynamic HTML)
cross-platform style differences: 3.10. Cross-Platform Style Differences (Dynamic HTML)
DHTML support: 2.5. Other Browsers (Dynamic HTML)
element referencing schemes: 5.5. Changing Tag Attribute Values (Dynamic HTML)
evaluating tests: 2.6.1. Object Detection over Browser Sniffing (Dynamic HTML)
identified as IE: 2.6.1. Object Detection over Browser Sniffing (Dynamic HTML)
overlaying to different pages: 2.6.3. Overlaying a Different Page (Dynamic HTML)
Opera browser, support for client-side JavaScript: 1.3. Client-Side JavaScript (JavaScript)
operands: 5.2.1. Number of Operands (JavaScript)
2.4. Expressions and Operators (Programming PHP)
number of: 2.4.1. Number of Operands (Programming PHP)
operating systems
browser compatibility: 1.9. A Fragmenting World (Dynamic HTML)
1.9. A Fragmenting World (Dynamic HTML)
browser differences: 2.1. What Is a Platform? (Dynamic HTML)
determining: 15.2.1. Determining the Platform (Programming PHP)
A.2c. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (j-q) (Programming PHP)
platforms defined: 2.1. What Is a Platform? (Dynamic HTML)
supporting PHP: 1.1. What Does PHP Do? (Programming PHP)
UI elements and: 2.4.6. Operating System Support (Dynamic HTML)
operating systems, default language: 24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
operator precedence: Operator precedence (Web Database Applications)
operators: 1.10. Exploring JavaScript (JavaScript)
5.2. Operator Overview (JavaScript)
2.4. Expressions and Operators (Programming PHP)
3.9. Functions (Web Database Applications)
arithmetic: 3.1.4. Working with Numbers (JavaScript)
5.3. Arithmetic Operators (JavaScript)
5.3. Arithmetic Operators (JavaScript)
2.4.5. Arithmetic Operators (Programming PHP)
array and object access: 5.10.7. Array and Object Access Operators (JavaScript)
assignment: 5.9. Assignment Operators (JavaScript)
6.7.2. Solution (PHP Cookbook)
7.6.2. Solution (PHP Cookbook)
2.4.12. Assignment Operators (Programming PHP)
assignment operator: IE text (Dynamic HTML)
6.3.2. Event Handlers as Object Properties (Dynamic HTML)
associativity of: 5.2.4. Operator Associativity (JavaScript)
2.4.3. Operator Associativity (Programming PHP)
autoincrement and autodecrement: 2.4.7. Autoincrement and Autodecrement Operators (Programming PHP)
backtick ( ` ): 18.23.2. Solution (PHP Cookbook)
19.9.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
bitwise: 5.8. Bitwise Operators (JavaScript)
2.4.9. Bitwise Operators (Programming PHP)
by-value operators: 4.3.2. Positionable Element Properties (Dynamic HTML)
casting: 2.4.11. Casting Operators (Programming PHP)
casting operand types: 2.4.4. Implicit Casting (Programming PHP)
colon operator: 3.5.2. CSS Attribute Assignment Syntax (Dynamic HTML)
3.5.2. CSS Attribute Assignment Syntax (Dynamic HTML) The style attribute in element tags (Dynamic HTML)
comma (,): 5.10.6. The Comma Operator (,) (JavaScript)
6.2. Compound Statements (JavaScript)
comparison: 5.5.1. Comparison Operators (JavaScript)
5.2.1. Problem (PHP Cookbook)
5.2.1. Problem (PHP Cookbook)
2.4.8. Comparison Operators (Programming PHP)
conditional: 5.10.1. The Conditional Operator (?:) (JavaScript)
data types of operands: 5.2.2. Type of Operands (JavaScript)
delete: 5.10.4. The delete Operator (JavaScript)
6.1. Expression Statements (JavaScript)
equal sign operator: 3.5.2. CSS Attribute Assignment Syntax (Dynamic HTML) The style attribute in element tags (Dynamic HTML)
equality and identity: 5.4. Equality Operators (JavaScript)
equality and inequality, Netscape 4 problems with: 11.6. Netscape's JavaScript 1.2 Incompatibilities (JavaScript)
function call: 5.10.8. The Function Call Operator (JavaScript)
in: 5.5.2. The in Operator (JavaScript)
increment and decrement: 6.1. Expression Statements (JavaScript)
instanceof: 5.5.3. The instanceof Operator (JavaScript)
JavaScript: 11.2.9. Expressions and Operators (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
logical: 5.7. Logical Operators (JavaScript)
2.4.10. Logical Operators (Programming PHP)
logical NOT (~): 8.16.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
merging arrays with +: 4.8.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
miscellaneous: 2.4.13. Miscellaneous Operators (Programming PHP)
new (object creation): 5.10.3. The Object Creation Operator (new) (JavaScript)
number of operands: 2.4.1. Number of Operands (Programming PHP)
operands: 5.2.1. Number of Operands (JavaScript)
PHP: 16.7. Operators (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
precedence of: 5.2. Operator Overview (JavaScript)
5.2.3. Operator Precedence (JavaScript)
5.2.3. Operator Precedence (JavaScript)
2.4.2. Operator Precedence (Programming PHP)
redirection: 18.24.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
relational: 5.5. Relational Operators (JavaScript)
shift: 5.8. Bitwise Operators (JavaScript)
string: 5.6. String Operators (JavaScript)
5.6. String Operators (JavaScript)
string concatenation: 1.8.2. Solution (PHP Cookbook)
2.4.6. String Concatenation Operator (Programming PHP)
summary of: 2.4. Expressions and Operators (Programming PHP)
ternary (?:): 5.3.2. Solution (PHP Cookbook)
typeof: 5.10.2. The typeof Operator (JavaScript)
typeof operator: 2.6.1. Object Detection over Browser Sniffing (Dynamic HTML)
2.6.2. Page Branching (Dynamic HTML)
void: 5.10.5. The void Operator (JavaScript)
void operator: 5.3. Links to Multiple Frames (Dynamic HTML)
optgroup elements: 8.3. Alphabetical Tag Reference (Dynamic HTML)
optgroup objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
optimization of DBM files: 10.3.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
code: 13.5. Performance Tuning (Programming PHP)
database connections: 8.3.2. Connecting (Programming PHP)
execution time: 13.5.3. Optimizing Execution Time (Programming PHP)
memory requirements: 13.5.4. Optimizing Memory Requirements (Programming PHP)
Option( ) constructor: 15.3.7. Select and Option Elements (JavaScript)
option elements: 8.3. Alphabetical Tag Reference (Dynamic HTML)
Option object: 15.2. Defining Form Elements (JavaScript)
15.3.7. Select and Option Elements (JavaScript)
24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
Option object (JavaScript): 11.4. JavaScript API Reference (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
option objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
optional characters: Optional and repeating characters (Web Database Applications)
HTMLOptionElement object: 25. W3C DOM Reference (JavaScript)
Select object: 24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
Options directive (Apache): 18. Apache Configuration (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
OPTIONS method (HTTP): Other methods (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
options objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
options[] property: 25. W3C DOM Reference (JavaScript)
Input object: 24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
Select object: 15.3.7. Select and Option Elements (JavaScript)
24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
null values in: 15.3.7. Select and Option Elements (JavaScript)
OR (||) operator: 5.7.2. Logical OR (||) (JavaScript)
5.7.2. Logical OR (||) (JavaScript)
OR operator
| (bitwise OR): 2.4.9. Bitwise Operators (Programming PHP)
|= (bitwise OR assignment) operator: Assignment with operation (Programming PHP)
OR operator (||): 12.6. Operators (Dynamic HTML)
Oracle 7/8: 4.4.3. Oracle 7 and 8 Through the OCI8 Interface (Web Database Applications)
Oracle databases
DSN for: 10.4.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
OCI8 backend: 10.4.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook), functions to prepare and execute queries: 10.8.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
retrieving data from: 10.1. Introduction (PHP Cookbook)
Oracle extensions: B.1. Optional Extensions Listing (Programming PHP)
ORACLE_SID environment variable: 10.1. Introduction (PHP Cookbook)
ord( ): A.2c. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (j-q) (Programming PHP)
alphabetical: 5.6. String Operators (JavaScript)
of operations: 5.2.3. Operator Precedence (JavaScript)
ORDER BY clause: ORDER BY (Web Database Applications)
3.7.1. Beware of the Cartesian Product (Web Database Applications)
order directive (Apache): 19.1. mod_access (Webmaster in a Nutshell)
order.3 script (finalizing orders): 10.1.1. Winestore Scripts (Web Database Applications)
12.1. Finalizing Orders (Web Database Applications)
order.1 script (logon): 10.1.1. Winestore Scripts (Web Database Applications)
10.3. Authenticating Users (Web Database Applications)
order.2 script (logout): 10.1.1. Winestore Scripts (Web Database Applications)
10.3. Authenticating Users (Web Database Applications)
ordering wines: 12. Ordering and Shipping at the Winestore (Web Database Applications)
receipts for: 10.1.1. Winestore Scripts (Web Database Applications)
10.2.3. The Customer Receipt Page (Web Database Applications)
12.2. HTML and Email Receipts (Web Database Applications)
13.2.1. Templates in the Shipping Module (Web Database Applications)
organization (LDAP): 17.8.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
origin (PDF coordinates), changing: 10.3.1. Coordinates (Programming PHP)
original event model: 19. Events and Event Handling (JavaScript)
19.1. Basic Event Handling (JavaScript)
events and event types: 19.1.1. Events and Event Types (JavaScript)
mixing with standard (DOM Level 2): 19.2.8. Mixing Event Models (JavaScript)
originalTarget property, event objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
orphans attribute (CSS): 11.5. Alphabetical Attribute Reference (Dynamic HTML)
orphans property
CSSStyleDeclaration objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
style objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
oscpu property, navigator object: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
out-of-process server: 15.3.1. Background (Programming PHP)
Outdent command: D. Internet Explorer Commands (Dynamic HTML)
outerHeight property: 24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript), window objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
outerHTML property: IE HTML and elements (Dynamic HTML) W3C DOM document tree (Dynamic HTML)
9.5.3. Event Handlers (Dynamic HTML)
17.3.3. Modifying Documents (JavaScript)
24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
outerText property: IE HTML and elements (Dynamic HTML)
9.5.3. Event Handlers (Dynamic HTML)
17.3.3. Modifying Documents (JavaScript)
24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript)
outerWidth property: 24. Client-Side JavaScript Reference (JavaScript), window objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
outline attribute (CSS): 11.5. Alphabetical Attribute Reference (Dynamic HTML)
outline-color attribute (CSS): 11.5. Alphabetical Attribute Reference (Dynamic HTML)
outline property
CSSStyleDeclaration objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
style objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
outline-style attribute (CSS): 11.5. Alphabetical Attribute Reference (Dynamic HTML)
outline-width attribute (CSS): 11.5. Alphabetical Attribute Reference (Dynamic HTML)
outlineColor property
CSSStyleDeclaration objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
style objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
outlineStyle property
CSSStyleDeclaration objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
style objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
outlineWidth property
CSSStyleDeclaration objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
style objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
output: 11.7.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
13.3. Handling Output (Programming PHP)
alert( ) method: 6.17. try/catch/finally (JavaScript)
buffering: 5.9.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
13.3.1. Output Buffering (Programming PHP)
to browser: 8.13.1. Problem (PHP Cookbook)
in error handlers: Output buffering in error handlers (Programming PHP)
functions for: A.2c. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (j-q) (Programming PHP)
mixing HTTP headers and body text: 8.19.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
setting file buffer size: A.3d. Alphabetical Listing of PHP Functions (r-z) (Programming PHP)
standard error and: 11.7.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
changing document references: 13.3.1. Output Buffering (Programming PHP), with rewrite( ) callback function: 13.3.1. Output Buffering (Programming PHP)
compressing: 13.3.2. Compressing Output (Programming PHP)
debugging and: 2.12.1. A Page That Produces Partial or No Output (Web Database Applications) Missing output (Web Database Applications)
with echo/print statements: Outputting data with echo and print (Web Database Applications)
end-of-line handling on Windows: 15.2.7. End-of-Line Handling (Programming PHP)
formatting: Creating formatted output with sprintf( ) and printf( ) (Web Database Applications)
functions for: A.1. PHP Functions by Category (Programming PHP)
HTML, displaying with alert( ) method: 1.10. Exploring JavaScript (JavaScript)
basic text: 10.2.5. Outputting Basic Text (Programming PHP)
buffering: 10.2.2. Initializing the Document (Programming PHP)
phpinfo( ), checking for installed module: 13.3.1. Output Buffering (Programming PHP)
sorting/grouping: 3.6.3. Sorting and Grouping Output (Web Database Applications)
variable substitution and: Variable substitution (Web Database Applications)
web, compressing with gzip: 8.14.1. Problem (PHP Cookbook)
Output Feedback (OFB) mode: 14.8.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
output_buffering configuration directive: 8.13.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
output_handler configuration directive: 8.13.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
overflow attribute: 4.2.4. The overflow Attribute (Dynamic HTML)
18.2.5. Partial Visibility: overflow and clip (JavaScript)
overflow attribute (CSS): 11.5. Alphabetical Attribute Reference (Dynamic HTML)
overflow property
CSSStyleDeclaration objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
style objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
overflow-x attribute (CSS): 11.5. Alphabetical Attribute Reference (Dynamic HTML)
overflow-y attribute (CSS): 11.5. Alphabetical Attribute Reference (Dynamic HTML)
overflowX property
CSSStyleDeclaration objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
style objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
overflowY property
CSSStyleDeclaration objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
style objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
style rules: 3.9. Cascade Precedence Rules (Dynamic HTML)
wrapping elements versus: 4.1.3. Overlapping Versus Wrapping Elements (Dynamic HTML)
z-index attribute and: 4.2.6. The z-index Attribute (Dynamic HTML)
overline, text in PDF files: 10.3.3. Text Attributes (Programming PHP)
overloading properties: 7.9.1. Problem (PHP Cookbook)
overridden methods, accessing: 7.8.1. Problem (PHP Cookbook)
override style sheets: 18.5.3. Override Styles (JavaScript)
override styles: 25. W3C DOM Reference (JavaScript)
overriding methods, derived class vs. parent class: 6.4.3. Inheritance (Programming PHP)
OverWrite command: D. Internet Explorer Commands (Dynamic HTML)
Ovrimos SQL extension: B.1. Optional Extensions Listing (Programming PHP)
ownerDocument property: W3C DOM text (Dynamic HTML)
9.5.3. Event Handlers (Dynamic HTML)
25. W3C DOM Reference (JavaScript)
ownerElement property: 25. W3C DOM Reference (JavaScript)
Attr objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
attribute objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
ownerNode property: 5.6.3. Other Techniques (Dynamic HTML)
25. W3C DOM Reference (JavaScript)
styleSheet objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
ownerRule property: 25. W3C DOM Reference (JavaScript), styleSheet objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)
ownership of files: 19.1. Introduction (PHP Cookbook)
changing: 19.4.1. Problem (PHP Cookbook)
superuser: 19.4.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
time of last change: 19.2.3. Discussion (PHP Cookbook)
owningElement: 5.6.3. Other Techniques (Dynamic HTML)
owningElement property, styleSheet objects: 9.6. Alphabetical Object Reference (Dynamic HTML)

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