Index: C - e-Reading Library
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Index: C
- caching responses: B.2.5. Caching
- callback functions: Sorting with user-defined element comparison
- calling pages: 5.2.3. One-Component Querying
- cart.3 script (adding items to shopping cart): 10.1.1. Winestore Scripts
- 11.2.2. Adding Items to the Shopping Cart
- cart.5 script (browser redirection): 10.1.1. Winestore Scripts
- 11.3. Managing Redirection
- cart.2 script (displaying shopping cart): 10.1.1. Winestore Scripts
- 11.2.1. Viewing the Shopping Cart
- cart.4 script (emptying shopping cart): 10.1.1. Winestore Scripts
- 11.2.3. Emptying the Shopping Cart
- cart.6 script (updating quantities in shopping cart): 10.1.1. Winestore Scripts
- 11.2.4. Updating the Shopping Cart Quantities
- cart.1 script (winestore home page): 10.1.1. Winestore Scripts
- 11.1. The Winestore Home Page
- cartesian product: 3.7.1. Beware of the Cartesian Product
- Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), templates and: The template
- case, changing: Changing case
- case study: 4.3. Case Study: The Front-Page Panel
- (see also winestore application)
- caseCount( ): 2.11.2. Inheritance
- casting operators: 2.1.6. Type Conversion
- ceil( ): 2.9.2. Ceiling and Floor
- certificates: Certificates and Certification Authorities
- creating for ApacheSSL: A.3.3. Creating a Key and Certificate
- challenge method: 9.1.1. How HTTP Authentication Works
- character lists: Character lists
- characters: 2.6.5. Replacing Characters and Substrings
- escaping: String literals
- 2.6.1. String Literals
- special characters and: Escaping special characters
- newline: Rendering newline characters with <br>
- charAt( ): 7.3.1. Validating <form> Data with JavaScript
- checkdate( ): 2.8.3. Validating a Date
- Validating dates
- checkdnsrr( ): Validating email addresses
- Validating email addresses
- cipher suites: Cipher suites
- classes: 2.11.1. Classes and Objects
- clean( ): 5.1.4. Security and User Data
- 5.1.4. Security and User Data
- preprocessing user data and: 5.1.4. Security and User Data
- session variables and: Saving last-entered values as a session variable
- updating shopping cart quantities and: 11.2.4. Updating the Shopping Cart Quantities
- client entry <form>: 8.4.1. Improving the Client Entry <form>
- script for: 8.4.3. The Client Entry <form> Script
- client-server architecture: 1.1.2. Thin Clients
- client-side validation: 7.3. Client-Side Validation with JavaScript
- performance and: 7.1.2. Models That Do Work
- 7.3.1. Validating <form> Data with JavaScript
- client tier: 1.1. Three-Tier Architectures
- 1.2. The Client Tier
- managing state in: 8.1.1. Managing State in the Client Tier
- resources for further reading: E.1. Client Tier Resources
- validation in: Validation in the client and middle tiers
- clients, thick vs. thin: 1.1.2. Thin Clients
- Comments
- cmp_length( ): Sorting with user-defined element comparison
- combined scripts: 5.2.1. Combined Scripts
- command interpreter for MySQL: 3.3. MySQL Command Interpreter
- comments: Comments
- commit and rollback processing: What isn't covered here
- compare( ): Sorting with user-defined element comparison
- comparison operators: 3.9.1. Arithmetic and comparison operators
- concat( ): String-comparison operators and functions
- concurrency: 6.2.1. Transactions and Concurrency
- concurrent access: 1.4. The Database Tier
- conditional expressions: 2.2.3. Conditional Expressions
- conditional statements: 2.2. Conditions and Branches
- connection handles: 4.1.1. Opening and Using a Database Connection
- consoles: Interacting with the web browser
- constants: 2.1.4. Constants
- constraints: 3.1.2. Terminology
- containsblanks( ): 7.3.1. Validating <form> Data with JavaScript
- control characters: 2.6.1. String Literals
- control flow functions: Miscellaneous operators and functions
- cookies: 8.1.2. Cookies
- not setting for session management: 8.3.6. Session Management Without Cookies
- turning off: Turning off cookies
- count( ): Counting elements in arrays
- 4.1.2. Essential Functions for Accessing MySQL with PHP
- CREATE DATABASE statement: 3.4.1. Creating Databases
- Transferring data between databases and DBMSs
- CREATE TABLE statement: Creating the winestore with SQL
- 3.4.2. Creating Tables
- creating
- arrays: 2.5.1. Creating Arrays
- databases: 3.4.1. Creating Databases
- formatted output: Creating formatted output with sprintf( ) and printf( )
- objects: 2.11. Objects
- PHP scripts: Creating PHP scripts
- tables: 3.4.2. Creating Tables
- with visual appeal: 4.3.1. Step 1: Producing Visually Appealing Tables
- winestore application with SQL: Creating the winestore with SQL
- cron tables: 13.1.1. cron Jobs
- crond daemon: 13.1.1. cron Jobs
- crypt( ): 9.3. Authentication Using a Database
- 10.2.1. Customer Validation
- salt string to: Authentication script
- using password( ) instead of: 9.3.1. MySQL encryption
- cryptography: E.4. Security and Cryptography Resources
- (see also encryption)
- resources for further reading: E.4. Security and Cryptography Resources
- SSL protocol and: Cipher suites
- CSS (Cascading Style Sheets), templates and: The template
- current( ): 2.5.3. Using Array Pointers
- customer.2 script (data entry): 10.2.2. The Customer <form>
- customer.3 script (receipt): 10.2.3. The Customer Receipt Page
- customer.1 script (validation): 10.2.1. Customer Validation
- customers
- authenticating: 9.4.3. Case Study: Customer Authentication
- managing: 10. Winestore Customer Management
- <form> for: 10.2.2. The Customer <form>
- receipt page for: 10.2.3. The Customer Receipt Page
- scripts for: 10.2. Customer Management
- validation script for: 10.2.1. Customer Validation
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