Index: P - e-Reading Library
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Index: P
- padded strings: Padding strings
- page numbers/page links: 5.3.3. Step 3: Adding Page Numbers
- panel (front-page panel): 4.3. Case Study: The Front-Page Panel
- parameters: 5.1. User Input
- for changing session management behavior: 8.3.8. Configuration of PHP Session Management
- password( ): 9.3.1. MySQL encryption
- 9.3.1. MySQL encryption
- performance
- client-side validation and: 7.1.2. Models That Do Work
- 7.3.1. Validating <form> Data with JavaScript
- locking tables and: Locking for performance
- MySQL and: 3.10.2. Tuning the Database System
- server-side validation and: 7.1.2. Models That Do Work
- sessions and: Performance
- Performance
- synchronization problems and: Timeouts
- user-defined functions and: 2.10. User-Defined Functions
- permissions: Permissions
- persistent connections: 4.1.2. Essential Functions for Accessing MySQL with PHP
- Frequently used functions
- personalizing web sites: Personalization
- pg_connect( ): 4.4.4. PostgreSQL
- pg_exec( ): 4.4.4. PostgreSQL
- PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor: 2.1. Introducing PHP
- PHP scripting language: 1.3. The Middle Tier
- 1.3.2. Web Scripting with PHP
- 2. PHP
- arrays and: 2.5. Arrays
- benefits for writing web-enabled scripts and: 5.1.2. Passing Data with the HTML <form> Environment
- branch statements and: 2.2. Conditions and Branches
- conditional statements and: 2.2. Conditions and Branches
- functions ): 6.1.3. Inserting, Updating, and Deleting Data
- (see also functions (PHP)
- HTTP authentication and: 9.2. HTTP Authentication with PHP
- initializing variables and: 5.1.5. How PHP Initializes Variables
- installing: A.1.4. Installing PHP
- loops and: 2.3. Loops
- objects and: 2.11. Objects
- online manual for: A.4. Installation Resources
- regular expressions and: 2.7. Regular Expressions
- scripting environment of: 1.3.2. Web Scripting with PHP
- session management and: 8.3. PHP Session Management
- D.2. PHP Session Management
- strings and: 2.6. Strings
- using to access non-MySQL databases: 4.4. Interacting with Other DBMSs Using PHP
- PHP scripts
- for authentication: Authentication script
- creating: Creating PHP scripts
- debugging: 2.12. Common Mistakes
- example of: 2.4. A Working Example
- for login <form>: Login page
- for logout: Logout script
- managing HTTP authentication with: 9.2.2. Managing HTTP Authentication with PHP
- of examples for the winestore: A.2. Installing the Winestore Examples
- reusing functions and: 2.10.4. Reusing Functions with Include and Require Files
- .php suffix, debugging and: 2.12.4. Other Common Problems
- PHP Triad for Windows: A.4. Installation Resources
- $PHPSESSID/PHPSESSID: 8.3.2. Starting a Session
- ports: B.1.2.2. Ports
- POST attribute, cookies and: 8.3.6. Session Management Without Cookies
- post-validation error finding: 7.1. Validation and Error Reporting for Web Database Applications
- PostgreSQL: 1.4.3. The MySQL DBMS
- 4.4.4. PostgreSQL
- powers: 2.9.6. Powers and Logs
- precedence of operators: Operator precedence
- prev( ): 2.5.3. Using Array Pointers
- primary keys: 3.1.2. Terminology
- 3.10.1. Keys, Primary Keys, and Indexes
- print statement: Outputting data with echo and print
- printf( ): Creating formatted output with sprintf( ) and printf( )
- print_r( ): Debugging with print_r( ) and var_dump( )
- Sorting with sort( ) and rsort( )
- private keys: A.3.3. Creating a Key and Certificate
- privileges: Permissions
- protocols: B. Internet and Web Protocols
- applications-layer: 1.1.1. Hypertext Transfer Protocol
- SSL: 9.5.1. The Secure Sockets Layer Protocol
- A.3. Installing Apache to Use SSL
- TCP/IP: B.1.2. TCP/IP
- proxy caches: 1.2. The Client Tier
- pseudo-random numbers: 2.9.7. Random Number Generation
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