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Index: E

each( ): 2.5.3. Using Array Pointers
2.5.3. Using Array Pointers
2.5.3. Using Array Pointers
echo statement: Outputting data with echo and print
email addresses
@ symbol in: Validating email addresses Case study: A generic JavaScript validation function
validating: Validating email addresses
email receipts: 12. Ordering and Shipping at the Winestore
12.2. HTML and Email Receipts
shipping.1 script and: 10.1.1. Winestore Scripts
embedded links: 5.2.2. Adding Links to Results
caution with: 5.2.2. Adding Links to Results
passing data with: 5.1.3. Passing Data with Embedded Links
empty( ): Testing, setting, and unsetting variables Other <form> issues
encode( ): Encrypting other data in a database
encryption: 9.3.1. MySQL encryption Cipher suites
functions for: Miscellaneous operators and functions
resources for further reading: E.4. Security and Cryptography Resources
end( ): 2.5.3. Using Array Pointers
end-loop statements: 2.3.3. for
end tags: 2.1.1. PHP Basics
(see also start/end tags)
entity-relationship modeling: 3.1.2. Terminology
(see also ER modeling)
equality operator, vs. assignment operator: 2.2.3. Conditional Expressions
ER modeling: 3.1.2. Terminology
C.2. Entity-Relationship Modeling
for winestore application: The winestore entity-relationship model
ereg( ): 2.7.1. Regular Expression Syntax
dates, validating and: Validating dates
extracting values and: Finding and extracting values
numbers, validating and: Validating numeric fields
eregi( ): Finding and extracting values
email addresses, validating and: Validating email addresses
error handling
custom error handlers for: 10.4.1. Custom Error Handlers
for MySQL functions: 4.1.4. Error Handling of MySQL Database Functions
error messages
displaying: Displaying error messages
improving: Improving error messages
error reporting: 7.1. Validation and Error Reporting for Web Database Applications
errorHandler( ): 10.4.1. Custom Error Handlers
10.4.1. Custom Error Handlers include file: 4.2.1. Using Include Files in Practice
10.4. The Winestore Include Files
10.4.1. Custom Error Handlers
error_log( ): 10.4.1. Custom Error Handlers
EscapeShellCmd( ): 5.1.4. Security and User Data
10.4. The Winestore Include Files
escaping characters: String literals
2.6.1. String Literals
special characters and: Escaping special characters
events: 7.3. Client-Side Validation with JavaScript
exec( ): 5.1.4. Security and User Data
explode( ): Extracting multiple values from a string Splitting a string into an array
exponential functions: 2.9.6. Powers and Logs
expressions: 2.1.5. Expressions, Operators, and Variable Assignment

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