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Index: R

rand( ): 2.9.7. Random Number Generation
random numbers: 2.9.7. Random Number Generation
rawurlencode( ): 5.3.1. Step 1: Using the Generic browse Function
5.3.2. Step 2: Implementing the Generic browse Function
RDBMS (relational database management system): 1.4.1. Database Management Systems
3.1.1. Introducing Relational Databases
3.1.2. Terminology
read-lock queue: The LOCK TABLES and UNLOCK TABLES statements in MySQL The LOCK TABLES and UNLOCK TABLES statements in MySQL
read locks: When and how to lock tables
receipts for orders placed: 10.1.1. Winestore Scripts
10.2.3. The Customer Receipt Page
12.2. HTML and Email Receipts
13.2.1. Templates in the Shipping Module
records: 3.6.1. Basic Querying
recovery: What isn't covered here
redirection: 10.1.1. Winestore Scripts
11.3. Managing Redirection
references: Passing arguments by reference
regular expression functions: 2.7.2. Regular Expression Functions
regular expressions: 2.7. Regular Expressions
metacharacters as: Metacharacters
relational database management system: 3.1.1. Introducing Relational Databases
(see also RDBMS)
relational databases: 1.4. The Database Tier
3.1.1. Introducing Relational Databases
accessing: 4.4. Interacting with Other DBMSs Using PHP
planning/designing: C. Modeling and Designing Relational Databases
relational model: 3.1.2. Terminology
reload problem: 6.1.1. Reloading Data and Relocation Techniques
repeating characters: Optional and repeating characters
requests, HTTP and: HTTP example
require directive: 2.10.4. Reusing Functions with Include and Require Files
reset( ): 2.5.3. Using Array Pointers
resource mssql_connect( ): 4.4.1. Microsoft SQL Server
resource mssql_query( ): 4.4.1. Microsoft SQL Server
resource mysql_connect( ): 4.1.2. Essential Functions for Accessing MySQL with PHP
resource mysql_pconnect( ): Frequently used functions
resource mysql_query( ): 4.1.2. Essential Functions for Accessing MySQL with PHP
resource mysql_unbuffered_query( ): Frequently used functions
resource OCILogon( ): 4.4.3. Oracle 7 and 8 Through the OCI8 Interface
resource OCIParse( ): 4.4.3. Oracle 7 and 8 Through the OCI8 Interface
resource odbc_connect( ): 4.4.2. Open DataBase Connectivity (ODBC)
resource odbc_exec( ): 4.4.2. Open DataBase Connectivity (ODBC)
resource pg_connect( ): 4.4.4. PostgreSQL
resource pg_exec( ): 4.4.4. PostgreSQL
resources for further reading: E. Resources
MySQL manual: 3.9. Functions
software installation and configuration: A.4. Installation Resources
responses, HTTP and: HTTP example
result sets
displaying: 5.3. Case Study: Previous and Next Browsing
limiting: 3.6.4. Limiting Result Sets in MySQL
results (query results): 4.2. Formatting Results
return( ): 7.3.1. Validating <form> Data with JavaScript
return types: 2.10.1. Argument Types and Return Types
REVOKE statement: Permissions
roll-over feature: Rollover presentation with mouseOver events
rollover feature: 7.3. Client-Side Validation with JavaScript
root user: The Apache HTTP server, Version 1.3
round( ): 2.9.3. Rounding
rows: 1.4.1. Database Management Systems
rsort( ): Sorting with sort( ) and rsort( )
rtrim( ): Trimming whitespace String-comparison operators and functions

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